Chapter 8

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I was laying on my bed looking at a photo of me and Michael. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. "Hey June, is everything ok?" Skylar asked coming into my room and sitting next to me on my bed.

"I'm fine for now" I said sitting up. "I know that this is hard for you to take in and i hope you get through it well" he said. I smiled and said, "thanks Skylar...and I'm sorry for calling you a jerk" I said.

"It's ok, I get that a lot" he said which made us both left. "I just hope he comes out off the coma soon" I said. I laid down on my bed and he laid next to me. I looked at him and than looked back at the picture on my night stand.

Skylar left for the night. I said good bye and laid down on my bed thinking about Michael. "I'm going to go see him tomorrow" I whispered to myself. I feel asleep while thinking about him.
I didn't feel like going to school. I got ready and walked down stairs. "Hey June Mason sent something that Michael wanted to give you" Taelor said.

She handed me a two small boxes. I opened one and it was a beautiful necklace that had an arrow. I opened the last on and it was a beautiful bracelet.

I tested up when I seen them. "There beautiful" I said. "Taelor will you help me put them on?" I asked. "Yeah sure" she said.

She helped me put them on. I walked into the down stairs bathroom and looked into the mirror. I walked out of the house and got into my car.

I drove to a store and got some flowers and a card. I wrote:

Dear Michael,
I hope you are feeling ok. I really miss you at the University. It hasn't been the same ever since you got hurt. I missed you bring around and I hope you heal soon so that you will be able to come home. I love you so such.
Love, June

I placed the card into the flower and headed for the hospital. Once I got there I walked to his room and seen a lady in there.

"How is he?" I asked. "He's doing ok" she said. I placed the flowers next to him and sat down next to him. "You must be June?" She asked.

"Yes I am" I said. "I'm his mother, my name is April, April Josie Collins" she said. "It's nice to meet you" I said shacking her hand.

"Michael has told me a lot about you" she said. She looked like she was in her 60's. She's such a nice lady. "So where are you from, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

"I'm from California but he lived with his father in Texas" she said. "So you came a long way huh?" "Yes I did, once I heard he was in the hospital, I lost all my senses and came straight down here" she said.

"Yeah same" I said. "You can stay at my place if you want, I think the girls won't mind the company" I added. "That is very sweet of you" she said.

I kissed Michael on the cheek and me and April left the hospital. She followed me to the house. Once we got there we went inside.

"June where the heck were you?" Taelor asked. "I was at the hospital and I brought someone with me, I hope you girls don't mind if she stays here for a couple of weeks" I said.

"I don't mind what about you Taelor" Madeline said. "I don't mind, I'll go get the spare bedroom ready for you" Taelor said.

I watched as Taelor walked up stairs. "Thank you girls" April said. "Hi I'm Madeline" madeline said. "I'm April, you girls are very kind" April said.

"Here sit" Madeline said scooting over. April sat down next to her and they started chatting. I went to Aprils car and got her luggage out for her and took it to her room.

I grabbed my phone and ordered some pizza. Once the pizza got here we ate and talked a bit. When it started to get late, I showed April to her room.

"Might April, if you want I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow" I said. "Thank you June and I don't want you to miss school" she said.

"I asked if I could get some time off until Michael wakes up but I get my homework from the girls so I'm good" I said.

"Ok, night June sweet dreams" she said. "Night". I walked to my room and went to bed.

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