Reading/Updating Schedule

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*play music*
Hey everyone. Ok I know I just updated the "This is important for my readers" a few minutes ago but this is something you guys might want to know about.

This the reading/updating schedule. Ok I will be updating everyday for the summer. But when school starts which is Aug.1,2016 i will switch out.

I will be updating three chapters every other week and two for the other weeks i didn't update three on.

I hope that isn't that complicated for you guys. If it is just let me know and I"ll post the schedule on my page.

But once you get done reading this, don't go to another story just yet. This is to all my readers, go read the "A/N...... Please Read....This Is Important For My Readers!!!!!!". So you guys can know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Well that's all for now. Love you my little monsters, Bye.

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