"It doesn't seem like much, just a whole lot of ancient symbols," he explained. "I could use my Eagle Vision. Do you know what that is?"

"Fill me in."

"Okay, well it's kinda like a sixth sense. Some people have it, but it's rare, and most don't realize they have it till they try to use it. It's like using all your senses at once. It helps you see what normal people can't see with the naked eye."


Andy closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, the world had become a thousand shades of dark blue. He watched as the glowing white letters on the screen began to change. He suddenly could read what was written.

"I see dates. January 23, 1811; something about Puerto Rico; December 21, 2012; and November 4, 2016." He said.

"What could that mean?" Sol questioned.

"I don't know. I only one I know is December 21st. That's the day when The Global Aurora Borealis happened."

"Right," Sol remembered. "And November 4th is coming up soon."

"So we need to prepare," Andy realized. "Who knows what the Templars are planning, we don't want another Great Purge."

"Yeah," she replied. "In the meantime, let's find out what happened on January 23, 1811, and what that Puerto Rico bit means."

"I didn't think Puerto Rico could be important. Nothing really happens there." Andy shrugged.

"Neither did I," Sol agreed. "My family has lived there for generations, and the only interesting thing I've heard about are pirates."

"Didn't the Golden Age of Piracy end just before 1811?" Andy smiled. "That settles it then, you're going into the Animus."

Andy walked over to the humming chair in the corner and swung one of its many computer monitors to face him. Sol followed slowly. The white and red chair, with its strange sensors on the head piece and its strange arm piece, made her nervous.

"What is that?" she asked, eyeing it wearily.

"This is an Animus. It's basically a machine that lets you relive the memories of your ancestors." He explained.

"How does it do that?"

"Simple, memories are all stored in our DNA and passed down through generations."


"Hop in."

Sol sighed, steeled her nerves, and took off her jacket. She carefully sat down and placed her head into the helmet like headpiece. She put her right arm into its holder, the small glass screen over it light up. It began to display her personal data: her full name, the number of the memory, the date they wished to visit, and the ancestor and his location.

"Powering up," Andy informed her.

Her vision began to blur, the white ceiling suddenly became the crystal clear ocean, then it snapped back, but she could feel everything moving, and finally, the ocean view settled in around her. She could feel the gentle rocking of the small sloop she stood on and the salty sea breeze playing threw her jet black hair. Black hair...?

"Captain, there's a ship on the horizon."

She turned to the man who had spoken. He was dressed like a pirate and looked at her as if she had all the answers. Captain? She wondered. She barely knew what was happening, much less what to do. She could feel the panic beguiling to rise. Then a second thought entered her mind.

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