Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"I don't care, kill Adam." I said almost nervously, please no one kill Adam.

Finn was shocked at my words.

"I love Beau and I don't care about Adam, so kill him, it won't hurt me." I nodded as Zara wiggled her fingers under the rope,

I had to give her more time.

I looked over to see Beau who stared at me, I couldn't read the expression on his face and it had made me wonder if he was buying this.

"Beau remember when we sat in the car after you saved my life and you were eating jelly beans and heard my tummy grumbling because I was hungry and then you gave me your only snickers bar." I smiled spilling out memories that had kept me in this relationship with him and then Finn yelled "Shut up!" But I didn't.

"And that time, I cooked for you and then we cuddled on your couch." I noticed Finn picking up the metal pole, raging as Beau just stared at me and then I shut my eyes just before he was about to swing and then Beau said ,

"don't! Let her talk!" I opened my eyes and then Finn turned in shock to see Beau "you love me! Not her!" He screamed.

"And-and that time, the time you asked me to be your girlfriend and then we had sex, now we have this baby Beau, you and I." I breathed "we're having this baby. I'm having your child." I began to spill out tears as I sniffed, felling my cheeks stain in its wetness.

Someone please hand me an Oscar.

"I still love you, we can run away from this town and live somewhere else." I nodded.

"We can kill Adam?" He spoke and then I swallowed and took three seconds to answer "yes." I lied.

"Beau No!"

He stepped towards me as Finn couldn't believe his eyes he tried to pull Beau back but then Beau just shook him off.

I felt Beau's hand gently touched my cheek as I smiled in relief, he believed me "untie me." I whispered and then he kissed me softly, pecking my lips,

And before I knew it he had grabbed Zara's hair yanking her away from me as she screamed, she fell onto her side and then Beau began to choke me, "you hesitate when you lie." I felt his fingers grip my skin as if he was trying to squeeze my insides out. I couldn't scream as my eyes began to tear feeling my throat being cut from oxygen as I gagged, struggling to breathe, I glanced past Beau to see Finn smiling,

Smiling, at his victory.

Adam's Point Of View.

I sat on the couch waiting for Alex to bring me another beer, I had to wake Mr. sleeping beauty up, because honestly I was hungry and I was his guest, therefore he had to make me a meal.

If he didn't, it would be ugly manners and we couldn't have that.

Fuck no, according to wallflower Alex,
this was a home of respect.

"Catch." He said tossing me a bottle of beer that met my hand as I relaxed back into his couch, making myself at home as I usually did, I flipped through the channels, searching for something to watch after the game had ended while I had awaited my nice home cooked meal.

I opened my bottle using my teeth and then spat the cap out as I pulled out my phone to check it,

Yes, I'm whipped and I haven't even kissed this girl yet.

No messages. I narrowed my eyes and then glanced at the time, it was 2am.

"Alex I'm worried." I said still staring at my phone as if I was waiting for a message to arrive any second.

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