Chapter 16: I'm A Fucking Rainbow Sent By The Gods

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A panel on the wall slides up and reveals a screen, "The names of each pair of opponents are chosen completely at random. Before each match, these names will uh appear on display behind me. Guess that's all there is to say, in a moment the names of the first match will appear on screen."

Everyone stares at the black screen as it goes through several names rapidly. Genin hold their breath and the silence drags on. The names stop and I lean back.

"Well that sure didn't take long, heh, good," the speaker cracks their neck and places her hands on her hips. I looked back to the screen.

Aisha Inumaki v.s. Nariko Abukara

  I stood next to my remaining students up on the balcony with the other teams further along it. Within the few minutes it took to get everything set up and ready, Sakura and the boys explained to me all that happened in The Forest of Death with Aisha hushing them whenever they mentioned her fighting. Even now I'm still working through my thoughts about it. But from the sounds of it, Aisha should have no problem in this match.

  Said person stood facing her opponent on the ground looking...bored? I sign, that girl. She was still as a stature but power radiated off her with a deadly force.

  Her opponent was a spiky redhead who wore white pants and a leaf village headband. He carried small twin scythes in ether hand whose handles were made out of bamboo. Narikos mouth was pulled up in a smirk as he overlooked my genin.

"GO AISHA! YOU GOT THIS!" Naruto screamed beside me, leaning in so much I had to grab his jumper so he wouldn't fall off. Sakura smiled and cheered slightly as well, Sasuke gripped his neck but leaned in slightly with interest.

Aisha pays no mind to their jeers and simply stares straight. However when a certain Inuzuka cheers for her she snaps her head over and stares daggers at him. I raise my visible eyebrow. Hmm......

Hayate strolls down to the match coughing viciously, "Well if everyone is ready...." He looks between the two fighters. Aisha nods while the Nariko guy shouts obnoxiously, "Hope your not scared girly, but seeing as your fighting me, the great Nariko, known across the lands for my impeccable skill with my Fire jutsus and devilish looks, I would be scared too."

I practically hear Aishas eyes roll, "I hope your not allergic to nuts because I'm going to kick yours up your throat."

I hear Hayate laugh but covers it up by coughing but I can't really tell if it was intentional, "Yes er right then...... You may begin!"

Aisha leaps backwards immediately to distance herself from him while he hesitates and holds out his blades. This guy doesn't seem very bright but none the less Aisha is smartly still on guard.

"Do I really have to fight a girl? Much less one as tiny and unattractive as this, I want a real fight with someone who could actually have a chance against me. This girl isn't anywhere near my level!"

"WHAT DID YA SAY ABOUT HER? I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU, YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" Kiba yells while being restrained by Shikamaru and Choji. Sasuke and Naruto grasp their hands around the railing so tight their knuckles go white. I look down and see my own are no different.

Surprisingly Aisha doesn't behead him instantly like I'd thought. Instead she throws back her head and laughs. She finishes with a sickening look in her eyes and I fell my toes curl.

The Wolf Is My Killer (A Naruto Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon