Kinda Chapter 26

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The red-head lady forced Scarlett to bow down before bowing herself. "Artemis who is this woman of stranger you have brought?" the crown wearing woman asked in a demanding tone. "Queen Hippolyta, I found this intruder on the beach close to death, so I took it upon myself to save her and bring her to you to figure out what to do with her." Artemis said momentarily glancing at Scarlett before looking forward again.

Hippolyta looked at Scarlett with eyes of truth. "Stranger speak for yourself and tell us who you are." She demanded, Scarlett swallowed the lump in her throat. "I am Scarlett Eleanor Diamond the heiress of the Diamond Fortune."

"Scarlett Diamond why have you decided to invade Themyscira?" Scarlett eyes went wide when the queen said that. "No your Majesty that is what was not what I was trying to do."

"Then what was it?" the queen glared at Scarlett as of many more did but one, the woman with strong eyes showed her kindness by smiling at her, which made her feel a little less at edge. She took a deep breath before speaking. "I wasn't trying to do anything. The true is that I was on my ship that sailed into a storm, I tried to stop it from going even farther into it but I fell into the water and I tried to swim back up but failed, I don't know what happened but some how I ended up on your Island and I apologize, but I have no plans on harming you or your people." Hippolyta kept her hard glare on the blonde before smiling softly at her. "Princess Scarlett of the land of Diamond, I personally would like to welcome you to Themyscira, the home of the Amazons."

Scarlett raised a eyebrow in confuion on what was happen. "Forgive me but what is Themyscira and what are Amazons and why did you call me princess?" Hippolyta chuckled at her confusion. "Themyscira is a place where no man owns, Amazons are a nation of women, dedicated to our sisters, to our gods, granted life by Gaea, the goddess, and the souls of women past, we have been gifted abilities that no man possesses. And as in why I called you princess is because your princess of the land and fortune of Diamond." even though Hippolyta answered all of Scarlett's questions she was still confused. "But there's no such things as gods." all the women gasped at her sudden statement. Artemis stocked up to her holding a dagger to Scarlett throat. "How dare you insult me and our mighty gods you w-"

"Artemis that's enough!" Hippolyta yelled standing up from her throne. "But my quee-" she was cut off. "But my queen nothing. Release her. She does not know better, remember she does not know of our culture and believes." Artemis slowly let go of Scarlett but still glared at her as she put her dagger away. "I apologize for my sister's actions..." she looked to her side and at the kind lady beside her. "I think it would be better if my daughter Diana, showed you our ways while I have a discussion with Artemis." she casted a glance at Artemis before motioning the woman beside her to move forward. "Come I will show you Themyscira." she started to lead Scarlett out of the throne room.

They walked in silence down the beautiful scenery that was Themyscira, but the silence was awkward at least that's how Scarlett felt it was. Deciding to break the silence Scarlett spoke "Sooo...gods?" she asked not knowing what to say, Diana nodded her head looking towards her. "Yes what about them?" Scarlett started to make awkward hand grease as she looked for a way to say what she was thinking. "Are they really real?" Diana nodded her head again. "yes they are. There's Zeus the king of the gods, Hera who's his wife and also the queen of the gods, Poseidon god of sea, Demeter goddess of nature, Ares god of war, Athena goddess of wisdom, Apollo god of sun and healing, his sister Artemis the goddess of hunt, h-" Diana was cut off by Scarlett "Artemis, as in Artemis the lady who just tried to kill me?" her eyes were wide as she asked the question, Diana nodded her head once again. "Yes that's her. Also I'm very sorry for what happened, She really doesn't like outsiders."

"I noticed." Scarlett mumbled crossing her arms. "What's man world like?" Diana asked out of no where which took Scarlett by surprise. "Oh...umm mans world okay we might be going into war soon and there's not a lot equality but other then that it's's terrible but it's the world I have to live in, but I much rather live in your world."

"I'm sure mother would allow you to stay," she started. "Maybe even let you become a sister." she smiled at Scarlett which caused her to blush. "I'm not sure if I'm fit to be part of your sorority." she watched a pair of strong women unlike herself walk by the two of them. "And why not?" Diana asked in confusion. "Because I'm not strong like the women I've seen so far and I'm nothing but a rich girl as everyone says." she looked away from the woman who walked with her. Diana suddenly stopped and lightly grabbed Scarlett's shoulders. "that is not true. I may have just met you but I know every woman has a warrior in them that's waiting to break out of the chains that have imprisoned them. I believe that you are a warrior that needs to be shown how much she turely is worth." Diana looked in Scarlett eyes with so much strength and belief that it made Scarlett feel like she was so much more then what she was.

They walked to entrance Palace where the sun was just setting over Greek city where Amazons were still training and socialize, it was beautiful. "So do you think your going to stay?" she asked leaning on a on a pillar, Scarlett looked at the sunset before a ghostly smile came over her face. "I think I'm going to stay, there's not much for me in mans world for me away." Diana started to smile. "That's wonderful princess Scarlett." Diana brought her into a tight hug which lead to Scarlett not being able to breathe, she tapped Diana arms and barely got the words she trying to say out. "Can't...breathe." she immediately let go of her and started to apologize.

Scarlett waved her hand off as nothing. "It's okay...Diana." she smiled at her which made Amazon smile once again. They stood watching the sunset and got bettered acquainted before becoming great friends til' death would bid them a apart.

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