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The thunder and lightning outside woke me up. I grabbed my teddy bear and held him tightly for a while, hoping it would go away. Another flash of lighting and another crash of thunder. I jumped out of bed with my teddy and ran to mommy's room. I climbed into their bed, realizing she wasn't there, and neither was daddy.

I ran around the house, screaming when I heard the thunder again, looking for them. Not in the living room, the kitchen, not even in daddy's office. Both of their cars were here, but where were they?

Another pound of thunder and I ran to the closest room possible, shutting the door behind me. I looked down and saw the light on at the bottom of the stairs.

I was in the basement.

I wasn't ever allowed down here, but I followed the light anyway. I needed someone besides my teddy bear. I held him tight and headed downstairs.

I turned the corner but stayed hidden, seeing mommy laying on a table naked. Daddy was walking around with a needle in his hand, putting it in mommy's neck and touching her body. Machines were hooked up to her with her heart beat and other things I don't know about. A long tube down her throat but she was barely breathing.

"D-daddy?" I whimpered. 

"Molly.." He said through his teeth angrily.

He dropped the needle and came over to me, bending down. "You tell your mother about this, you won't see her again, you hear me?" He yelled grabbing my arm. "Ow! Daddy, you're hurting me!" I screamed crying, trying to get away. 

"You hear me?!" He yelled again.

"Yes!!" I yelled out running upstairs, dropping my teddy but I locked myself in my room and hid in the corner.

I lifted my sleeve and saw his hand print turning purple around my small arm, still stinging.

The next morning at breakfast, I looked over at mommy. She had a little bruise where the needle was, but she was the same.

"How'd you sleep with the storm, baby girl? Did your teddy keep you company?" She said kissing my head. 

"Y-yeah.." I responded taking a bite of my pancakes. Looking at her more, I saw her natural green eyes fade to a darker green till they were black. She looked out the window at daddy playing with our puppy and her eyes changed more to a dark red and got brighter and brighter the longer she looked at him. "M-mommy?" I tapped her.

"Yes babygirl?" She said with a smile, her eyes going back to normal. 

"My tummy hurts.."

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