"I'm fine." My voice is monotone.

"Shift." His tone has done a complete 180. First, he's calm and collected and now, now he's this. Using his Alpha influence. Haha, guess what? Two can play that game.

"You have no authority over me," I say a little too eagerly, but am reminded of my role as Midnight quickly scolds me.

"I am the Alpha of the strongest pack in the world. I am the Alpha King. I have authority over all!" He yells.

I don't flinch or show the slightest hint of fear. Then again, I'm not scared to begin with.

"You're too cocky and arrogant," I say, careful not to add anything else. I have always seemed to have a loose tongue.

He snarls at my comment, obviously not happy to be told the truth, "Shift. I will not ask again."

"That was you asking? More like demanding." I scoff at his ignorance. I watch him and can read him a bit better now. The twitch in his ear and lip are showing his extreme frustration and confusion. I'll have to see his face for a better read. I break the ice this time, "I'll shift only if you do it first."

He struggles to accept defeat, but he shifts back. And I can't say I'm disappointed. I try to savor each feature, from his messy dark hair to his enigmatic green eyes, all the way to his sharp and chiseled face. No. Stop it. Curse this mating bond.

"Now it's your turn," He reminds me.

"Ohh, his voice is even better this way"

"Shut up, Midnight. No googly eyes, got it?"

I begin to shake my body. Fast at first and then slowing down until all that remains is my human form. I stand straight and tall. My wavy dark brown hair falls just below my shoulders and my dark eyes entice and study him. I search his face and eyes for any vulnerability, but I get nothing. He's hiding something.

And he's hiding it well.

"What is your name?" His voice is a bit softer this time.

"Natasha Ravenclaw," I lie straight between my teeth, "What is yours?"

"I am Liam Grayson, Alpha of the White Shadow pack."

I tune him out as I call out for my best friend. A few moments pass, and I continue to ignore him. He snaps his fingers in my face, pulling me out of my trance. And just in time. As if on cue, Ravyn appears out of thin air. Liam jumps back in surprise and I quickly grab her arm. I pull her ear close and whisper,

"My name is Natasha and he's my mate."

She seems to understand. We both turn and face him at the same time.

"Who are you?" He asks, more cautious than when he met me. Witches aren't to be messed with.

"For your information, I am the one, the only, Ravyn Stone," Her flamboyance never ceases to amaze me.

She's way too cocky as well. She's powerful and she knows it. But, she never truly lets it get to her head.

I watch in amusement as this wannabe 'Alpha King' shies away from Ravyn. I can't help but laugh.

"For someone claiming to be so powerful, you cower at the mere sight of a witch," I mock him. Witches may be powerful, but so are we. There's no need to be afraid of them, so long as you respect them.

"I'll have you know, I wasn't cowering. I was merely being cautious." He tries to defend himself.

I snort, "Yeah, ok. Whatever you say."

Suddenly all his formalities were gone, "Why are you trespassing?"

I throw my hands up in mock surrender, "I swear, I wasn't trying to." I do my best to answer his question while acting afraid, can't have all my secrets spilled just yet.

I see his eyes soften. I use it to my advantage. I stare into his eyes. Luring his attention to be solely on me. I look deep and study him. Without realizing it, I begin sharing my findings aloud.

"You have a dark secret. Though it may not necessarily be yours, the guilt of it has been eating away at you for a while-"

"Stop! What are you doing? How are you doing that?" His questions and fears tell me I'm right about what I feel.

"A werewolf never reveals her secrets." My nonchalance no doubt aggravates him so he turns his attention elsewhere.

"What are you doing here? Witches aren't allowed in wolf territory." His ego flares as he looks down on Ravyn, gaining some confidence back.

She takes a step towards him and scoffs as he takes one back, "I am allowed anywhere I want. You have no authority over me. I am part of the strongest coven, and you have the nerve to talk to me like that. Let me remind you of your place, little dog. Witches have, and always will be superior to you little fleabags." Unknowingly, she continues walking towards him until he's backed up against a tree. Pity

engulfs me as I watch him struggling to keep his composure. I have to remind her.

"Ravyn, oh how I do hope you weren't including me in that rant of yours?"

She turns quicker than I thought, "Of course not. Never." She backs off of Liam and stands at my side once more. I turn to her.

"The reason I called you, was because I was hoping you could break our mate bond." My eyes involuntarily looked down, ashamed at what I'm asking. I can hear Liam in the background shuffling closer to hear his fate.

"What?! No! Even if I could, I wouldn't. We both know that's not possible. And even if it was, I couldn't make it one-sided. It would have to be both of you forgetting and I can't do that-"

"Ok, I understand. It was worth a shot. Guess I'll do it the old fashion way." I turn to look at Liam, and I can see him silently begging me not to. "I, Natasha Ravenclaw reject you, Liam Grayson, as my mate."

There I said it. I know it won't work. But as the saying goes, 'a curse only has power if you give it power.' I look to Ravyn and tell her I'm sorry for wasting her time, but a rustle turns my head only to see somebody missing from this kumbaya moment.

"Can you find him? If he reveals us to his then there will be a price on our heads. You have to stop him. Please." I beg. "Take his memory when you find him. Just of the events of today."

She nods and disappears after him.

I turn, shift and head back to my roots. It's nearing the anniversary and I want to be there. To say goodbye

one last time.


As I reach the end of the woods, I push my way through the overgrowth and find myself face to face with my home once more. I take a sniff of the air. The stench of death and blood are still prominent. It's faint, but still there. I don't think it will ever go away. It has permanently stained the grounds. I walk forward and with every step, a new memory emerges reminding me of what I did and couldn't stop. Unable to push them away, I begin to run towards the main packhouse. As I arrive, a wave of anguish hits me as I the image of my mother and father falling hit me full force. I shift back and find a couple of flowers that have managed to grow, pluck them, and set one upon each grave: my mothers', then my fathers', mine, and lastly, the one I've dreaded the most, my brothers'. To the world, the Blackmoon's have been vanquished. But to me, I'd say that we are going to rise from our ashes once more. Like a phoenix, I am going to burn those who tried to snuff us out 3 years ago. And I will show no mercy. It may not be today or tomorrow, but the day will come when he will finally fall at my hands, and all that power he so desperately wanted will return to its rightful owner. That is a promise I intend to keep, no matter the cost.

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