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*Dan's POV*

Y/N lay sprawled across the sofa, Timmy sitting beside her. Peanut was due next month, time seems to pass so quickly. In the next four weeks we'll have a child, we only have four weeks left as a family of three.

She slept quietly as Timmy pawed at her knees. Timmy yawned and stretched out showing prominent ribs and his long spine.

I inserted death note into the dvd player, Phil and I finished it but I'm going to re watch it. Phil and I have been quite distant these past months, he and Chris have moved in together. It's strange knowing that there's two people living in the apartment again, and one of them isn't me.

I do miss those days, the rain pouring, snuggled in a cosy blanket, barely paying attention to the anime playing in the background. I would be unable to focus on anything but Phil's piercing blue eyes, watching me longingly. Once a sharp chill shot up my spine he would be there to thaw me. Always...

A similar chill prickled over Y/N's skin. She shuffled on my lap, placing my arm around her shoulder settled her instantly. She is by far the most incredible human I have ever encountered. Her eyes showed such wisdom and many scars: Out shone by the love and kindness, giving her eyes a shimmer, reflecting pure light upon onlookers. I happen to be lucky enough to be able see them every day.

"Dan, why do you stay with me?" She whispered.

"Why wouldn't I?"

She looked down shyly.

"I'm a joke. I've caused so much chaos, so much pain, so much bloodshed and even... Death." She breathed, "Besides, I somehow always turn it around so I'm the main focus. Someone was trying to kill you; I end up in hospital. You have a crazy ex; I get a concussion. We break up; I try to leave London. We are reunited; I start a bloody argument. Cat dies; I'm fucking pregnant!" She sighed.

I snigger before collapsing into hysterical laughter.

"What?" She frowns.

"None of those things were your fault. The guy who tried to kill you was your step farther, that messed with your head, he also abused you! Elise knocked you out! You left because you were hurt by other people! When we found each other we where so confused and angry and sad, we both acted like idiots! And you did nothing to Cat, if anything peanut helped us get through her death." I smiled warmly, she reflected it back on me.

Suddenly Y/N sat upright in pain.

Peanut was going to make an appearance.

"No... It's too early..." She breathed as I rubbed her back gently.

"It'll be fine, just breathe, I'll call my mum she can give us a lift. We have plenty of time." I soothed.

She nodded.

We arrived at the hospital and booked in.

This was going to be a long night...

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now