They Don't know About us.

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RLY quick, your viewers dont know you and dan are back together after the two year gap, dan made a video saying he can get back to youtube now that he had been reunited with phil ect.

20th January

*Dan's POV*

Scrolling through twitter was usually the best way to start my day. Recently though, tweets I read are about Y/N.

MichealHowell200: Throwback to (Y/N+Dan's ship name) OTP.

Ho-Ho-Howell: OMG, (Y/N+Dan) SO CUTE!


Ever since you reappeared on the internet people are curious, they want to know everything.

"What happened?"

"Where were you?"

"Did you two break up?"

"Did someone cheat?"

"Are you together?"

After all the crazy fanfics and tumblr posts that surfaced when the fans heard you were together, you agreed to keep your marriage a secret for as long as possible.

"Dan." Y/N called from the door frame.

"Yeah babe." I replied

"I know we're definitely moving, can we stay in London. I'm worried about Phil. He hasn't called or texted at all." She frowned.

I check my phone. No new messages.

This isn't like Phil.

She quickly finds his contact and calls him.

It takes a few moments but he does pick up eventually.

"Hello Y/N." He said dully.

"Phil are you okay?" I pitch in.

"Oh, hi Dan. I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" He hummed.

"You never called." Y/N explains.

"I though you would be busy. It is your honeymoon after all." He scoffed.

"Fair enough" I laugh.

"What have you been up to then?" Y/N asks.

"Well... Nothing." He awkwardly mumbles.

Y/N exchange a confused glance before shaking off suspicions quickly.

"Okay, well we're going back to our Pokémon adventures and talk to you soon. Oh by the way, we've shortened our trip so we can get settled in to our new house." I say.

"Oh, when are you flying back?" He asks.

"23rd." Y/N says, "we'll leave you in peace, bye Phil!"

"bye." He mumbled.

"He seems... Off." She says frustrated.

"I know. Don't worry, we can see him soon and see what's going on. Come here." I open my arms for her.

She sits on my lap and leans into my arms. I hold her close and rest my head on her back. Her warmth radiating from her soft skin.

Her breath eventually steadied to a gentle, calm pace. I tapped the back of her hand in time with her heart beat until the two coexisted and beat as one.

"Dan, how will we keep this a secret?"

"We just film in different rooms, collab, act friendly and act like we did before."

"It's not that easy. Heart eyes Howell, plus were married, people notice everything."

"We can take off our rings."

"Dan. What about. If we start a family. Children are hard to hide."

"True, eventually the truth will come out. For now we can be in love in private without people writing dirty stories about us."

"Fair enough." She shrugged.

"I love you Y/N so much. Nothing will ever stop that. I'm doing this to protect us. Things will be great, we can have a house, a cat, a dog... A baby. And each other."

She leaned in close, her breath warm against my cheeks. She touched my face making me blush furiously. My cheeks burned like oil lamps against a cold Victorian winter. She looked into my eyes and blushed. We kissed. We melded together as we always do. We fit together like a jigsaw, we just work as a whole.

"I love you more." She said.

"Not possible."

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें