Jump into the fog: Part 2

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*Dan's POV*

I've moved on.

She probably has too, I'm sure.

My new apartment sucks, I miss Phil a lot. For some reason Y/N has been in my head, it's nothing. I definitely don't love her.

I love Elise now.

She's gorgeous and kind. Elise doesn't rely on me like Y/N did. Elise told me, she looks out for me. Only now I don't feel like the man of the relationship, I don't have any say in my own life anymore.

Y/N is not my problem now. Phil can date her, I know he always wanted to.

She's very close to him right? I barely know them anymore. I've stopped making videos too, they never did. They took a few months off then stared up again like nothing happened, they tried to hide their emotions but I saw them. I always know when they lie. It's easy to see if you know them well.

Today would be our first wedding anniversary, not anymore.

She didn't look hard enough, I found someone else.

My phone hums.

Y/N: Sorry.


Nothing, I won't respond to her, Elise hates it when I talk to other people.

I love her. I think.

Phil: Dan, who's your girlfriend?

Dan: Elise Davis, why?

Phil: No reason...

Phil stopped messaging me back. Weird.

*Phil's POV*

Dan will get hurt with her.

Rain trickles down the window pane and dripped off the window sil. No snow left in London just brown, smoggy, slush.

Dan seemed off, he's changed. Elise changed him.

He needs to leave her or something bad will happen, I know her, she threatened me multiple times.

Y/N's a mess right now, worse than before.

I'm worried about her, she won't sleep, eat or talk. I told her about Elise, she agrees that we should do something soon.

We call Dan and try to explain.

"Seriously, you expect me too believe you. Y/N just told you to say that, she's jealous!" Dan yells.

"No, Elise wants you to think that! Just leave her Dan!" I protested.

"Sorry, no. I'm going. She's calling me over, I thought you were my friend Phil. All this time I was wrong. Goodbye." He said calmly.

I began to cry, Y/N is too.

We hug for what feels like hours, time melts away quickly.

She makes me happy.

She makes me calm.

She keeps me grounded.

Now I remember why I fell for her.

She is so beautiful inside and out.

I look in her eyes and smile.

She smiles back.

I glance at her lips and back at her eyes.

We both lean in slowly and I cup her face. Her hand is small on my knee. Our lips meet and we kiss gently.

Pulling away she smiles before kissing me again passionately.

We kiss and kiss and kiss.

And then, I stopped thinking about Paris.

I stopped thinking about Elise.

I stopped thinking about Dan.

I stopped thinking completely.

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now