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*Dan's POV*

Y/N fell back.

Time seemed to slow down.

We stood there helpless.

Her head hit the corner of the coffee table.

She closed her eyes and peacefully lay limp and lifeless, sprawled out upon the carpet.

Blood trickled down her neck, over her prominent collar bones and soaked into her white shirt.

Cat brushed her dress to neaten it, she kissed Phil's cheek, bit his ear gently and ran.

I ran to Y/N's side and carefully lifted her onto my lap. Cradling her body and stroking her hair, Chris called an ambulance and Phil tried to run after Cat in a panicked daze.

Paramedics took her from me.

I yelled, screamed and fought to be by her side. A paramedic held me back and patted my back comfortingly.

In fatigue is sank back in her arms and submitted to their wishes.

"Please calm down sir, your wife is in safe hands. Now, will you please explain what happened." She soothed.

"My best friend Phil... He and his romantic interest Chris were with us. Phil's girlfriend was jealous, she barged in and rushed to Chris. She was attacking him, Phil was trying to stop her. I held Y/N behind me... Cat started hurting Phil so I went to help, she pushed Chris and I away. Chris was attacked again, he pushed her gently. Cat over exaggerated and fell into Y/N. She just fell back onto the corner of the table and passed out... Cat ran away, Phil has gone after her and Chris called the ambulance. I stayed with Y/N... She's about 3 weeks pregnant." I was shaking.

Her eyes widened.

Hot tears pooled in the crevices at the base of my neck. I feel my knees become weak. I fall asleep in the ambulance.

After a short while I am awoken by a nurse, shaking my arm. In accident and emergency Chris is rubbing Phil's back, he's panting. Out of breath, Phil collapses into a chair and rubs his eyes in frustration.

"Dan... I'm... so sorry, s-she got away..." He breathed.

"No... It's fine, well not fine. you know what I mean." I hugged him quickly.

A nurse approached us, I ran to her and gripped her sleeve.

I could see the shock and fear in her eyes, at this point first impressions aren't a priority.

she gulped and looked me in the eye.

"She's still unconscious but the baby's fine."

My grip loosened and I sighed in relief.

"She doesn't seem to have suffered any serious head trauma, she's very lucky. However she has lost a lot of blood. we're going to keep her in over night in observation but she should be okay."

I released the nurse and she let us in to see Y/N.

Rushing to her side I burst into tears and locked my hand with hers. her eyes fluttered at my touch, she did not however wake up.

Phil and Chris are sat at the other side of her, Phil is holding onto her hand. He rubs the back of her hand gently holding back tears. Chris is trying to call Cat becoming frustrated.

Chris gives up and perches on the end of the bed. He calls PJ quickly and puts him on speaker.

Nowadays Chris and PJ are very close friends of ours, we spend a lot of time together. In fact tonight he was supposed to come over, if only Cat hadn't have altered our plans.

" Wait, What?!" PJ said in confusion.

"Cat got in and tried to attack Chris, Y/N got hurt, we're in hospital." Phil mumbled behind tears.

"Oh my god, I'm coming, give me five minutes!" He cried in panic.

PJ and Y/N were very close. We called Edward (Y/N's Bestie) and let him know. I logged onto twitter and wrote a quick tweet simply saying that Y/N had had an accident and that we were in hospital. I stated that she and the baby were fine but she was still unconscious.

Edward and PJ arrived and sat around the bed.

"Can you please go over what happened in full detail!" Edward snuffled.

His eyes were red and swollen, he had been messing with his hands due to the worry. PJ just looked numb, he kept dazing off and staring at the ground. Eventually he snapped out of it and placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, turning his full attention to her.

"Well Cat knocked on the door. Dan went to answer it but she just barged in, when she saw Chris she just went berserk. Punching and kicking. When she tried to hurt Phil Dan and I tried to stop her, she pushed us away. Cat tried to hurt Phil again so Chris pushed her gently trying not to hurt he. She over exaggerated and fell back. She fell into Y/N who landed on the corner of the table. Now we're here. Phil tried to chase after her but she got away." Chris explained.

I placed my hand on my head and slumped back with a loud sigh. Pressing my lips against Y/N's cheek, her eyes began to flutter.

She woke up... 

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