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spam tonight, prepare your feels guys.

*Phil's POV*

February 30th

Cat and I awkwardly joined Dan and Y/N for valentines day. They sat on the sofa hugging and kissing whilst Cat and I just kind of made eye contact and looked away. Romantic I know. I can't be with her, it's not right. I think she's trying to save our relationship but she knows that I love Chris, she can't accept it.

She left my apartment and went back to her hotel finally. Chris and I are going to visit Dan and Y/N, and Timmy of course.

He arrived at my apartment and winked as he entered. We kissed under the stars below the oak tree, beside the bus station. The bus pulled into the station, empty and rickety. We took our seats at the back of the bus. Leaning against the window, facing Chris, I leaned close and touched his cheek. Short stubble brushed against my skin as he kissed my cheek.

When the bus arrived at Dan and Y/N's house, Chris pulled me up from the seat fingers intertwined with mine. Y/N dragged me into the lounge with her arm slung around my waist, she hugged me before seeing to Chris. She hugged him, took his hand and lead him to us. Dan stood beside me, he went over to hug Chris. Chris rested his head on his shoulder, he kept eye contact with me throughout the duration of the embrace.

All was well until there was a loud knock at the door.

It was late, so a neighbour or post man wouldn't be here now.

Dan hesitantly approached the door, holding onto Y/N's hand tightly. As his fingers gained a good grip around the door handle, the door swung open suddenly. Dan and Y/N recoiled in shock.

Cat stepped inside and saw Chris. Her eyes widened in anger.

She darted at him.

Punching and kicking she was insane, Chris pushed her away not wanting to hurt her.

They struggled in the hallway, she pushed them at the wall. Blood pooled at Chris's feet, staining his shirt.

I became enraged and attempted to break up the pair. I stood in front of Chris protectively. Y/N held Dan from behind and nuzzled her face into Dan's back.

Cat slapped Chris over and over, i pushed her back. She fell into the lounge scaring Timmy. Dan and Y/N tripped, Dan caught her waist and kissed her cheek before going over to help Chris and I.

Dan and i held Cat back by her shoulders, she kicked Dan causing him to fall back onto the floor. I looked her in the eye and whispered.

"You need to stop."

"You need to stop Chris, he's trying to ruin us!" She hissed.

"There is no us." I sighed.

She scowled and slapped me across the cheek and pushed me to the ground.

Leaning over me she grabbed my shoulders. Chris pushed her off me. She exaggerated the force of the push and fell into Y/N...

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin