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29th April


*Y/N's POV, first person*

The skies, grey and black, shuddered. A thick smog descended upon the city. Thick drops of rain splashed onto the tar. Lightning cracked across the clouds.

That's when it happened...

In a blur...

Muffled by tears and sleeves...

Told through care and grief...

"He's gone."

It hasn't sunk in.

How can I be expected to understand this?

This is impossible...

Not now...

I hardly know him...

If he's gone then. Then I'm truly alone.

Not yet.

I'm here again. Sinking inside of my head. Drowning in the rain, lost in my falling tears. So the vicious cycle starts again. After so long. I'm breaking down without warning.

I can't breathe, suddenly my skin is too tight, my room too hot, my walls too close, my heartbeat too fast.

A pair of arms encased my trembling body. He pulled me close to his chest. I leant back and cried, I wailed and sobbed in his arms. His soft voice echoed in deaf ears, turning it face him and hold him. I slung my arms over his shoulders and sobbed into his shoulders.

"I will take the hurt in your chest and the pain in your eyes. Ill take the fear in your soul and The tears you cry. Because you are all that I need."

He just sat with me.

The storm thrashed angrily at the walls. I shook with the trees and cried with the clouds.

"If you need me here, I will be." Dan whispered.

I held him tighter in response.

"Okay." He whispered.

Rubbing my back in slow circle motions, Dan soothed my tears.

"What happened?" He asked quietly.

I sniffled and pulled away, hands still locked together tightly.

"I had a brother that my farther hid from my mother. I used to see him when I was very young. I stopped seeing him when my farther died. He and I were so close. We were best friends, we told each other everything. I hated my mother so seeing him was a relief. Last night he was in an accident, this morning he... Died..."

He pulled me close again, I began to cry again. I wasn't going to stop any time soon.

Memories of Iden came flooding back.

Summer holidays running across sandy beaches.

Spring mornings riding bikes through dewy grass.

Easter lunches round oak tables.

Autumn walks under amber trees and delicate leaves.

Halloween evenings painting faces and running around below the stars.

Christmas breakfasts beside the bright, lively Christmas tree.

It's been years and he may have changed in adulthood.

I choose to believe otherwise and hang onto the memories I have with him. Because I want to remember him that way...

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum