We owe it to them

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*Dan's POV*

The cries of laughter died down and our friends departed to their homes.

Phil went up to bed early whereas Y/N and I stayed out in the back garden. We lit the fire on the balcony and pulled up two chairs.

She snuggled up beside me and smiled. placing my hand on her stomach we kissed before the roaring flames. The sparks flickered and danced in the breeze.

"I love you Dan. Just wanted to remind you!" Y/N laughed.

"I love you too, both of you!" I replied.

The sun set past the horizon and the stars flickered against the navy night. The wind calmed down to a mild breeze. Cold London is magical in the spring time, less grey, more silver.

We sat in a bundle, enveloped in our red, tartan blanket, all three of us. Y/N's head resting on my chest, my arms held her close to me. Sharing our warmth. Her breath steady against my skin. I felt at home again, her lips pressed against my skin, her hands holding me, her heart shared with me. I knew from the start this would be our future, why did I hesitate? Why did I mess up? Why did I leave her? I should not regret the past, everything worked out. we're married, we're living together and we're having a baby.

Knowing that, my mind was instantly put at ease.

I gently rub circles across her stomach and kiss her cheek.

"A November baby then, we need a name." I say.

"Its definitely a boy, soooooo.... I'm really bad at names!" Y/N giggles.

"I think its a girl but what ever!" I shrug with a laugh, "What about... Elliot?"

"ummm, I don't know. There was a guy in my school called Elliot, he was a bit of a twunt if you ask me." She protests, "Joseph maybe?"

"That is a nice name, his friends could call him Joe or Joey. but Joe might think we named him after him... that was a confusing sentence holy crap." I laugh.

"Oh well. What about if its a girl? Georgia?" she looks up at me.

"I don't know, should we film tomorrow?" I change the subject.

"Dan," she wriggles out of my arms to make eye contact with me properly, "We need to tell them. Come April it'll be obvious. We can't hide for ever. They will respect our privacy to some extent; besides our fans are so kind and supportive, they will be as excited as us. it's like having a big family or group of friends."

"i guess, I just don't feel comfortable with them writing stories about us, I don't want them including our baby in that too." I reply.

"That's understandable. Everyone is different, they are raised differently, have different lifestyles. but we've made YouTube our life, our fans hear about our past, keep up with our life in the present and even hear about future plans and events. They care about what happens to us, its only fair to tell them about everything that has happened. we owe it to them to let them know about our marriage, house and even baby. maybe not yet but we got ourselves into this. by uploading all those years ago we signed a contract that will affect us for the rest of our lives." She argued.

and you know what shes right.

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