Upload schedule

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Right, I'm not an organised person so this may be a complete waste of time but YOLO.

Ze schedule for ze stories is:

Mon: Send me to sleep.

Tues: (I'll write drafts)

Weds: Send me to sleep.

Thurs: (Drafts)

Fri: Serious stuff

Sat/Sun: Send me to sleep.

I probs won't keep up with it and I'll probs change it but I have no excuses to avoid writing parts so if one's late feel free to stab me with sporks. Btw uploads will be between 4pm - 11pm ish, ikr messed up time to be writing fanfic. Also they'll be closer to 11pm than 4pm just so y'all know. Ttyl guys.

Stay squishy and I'll see you online!

Send me to sleep: Dan X readerWhere stories live. Discover now