Chapter 1(Picture of Brodie)

Start from the beginning

"Sam, don’t forget I have a business trip and won't be back till Thursday so email me when you get home".

"Okay bye love you"

I shouted in reply and banged the door behind me cringing at the sound, wondering if he was cursing under his breath at the sound.

I grabbed my bike from the side of the house. It was only a 5 minute cycle to school. I had cycled past the school many times over the summer in my spare time since I had no friends - yet. I was hoping for that to change. So I put one foot on the pedal kicked off and swung my leg over the bike. I cycled down my street getting my blood flowing through my veins. I held the bike steady with one hand and reached back to undo my hair. I picking up speed and rounded the corner leaning into the bend. My long curly chestnut hair whipped behind me .The glints of red shining in the sunlight. This is better than a hairdryer I thought. As I was turning the corner I saw kids on the other side of the street walking towards school with empty rucksacks I guessed.

I suddenly felt myself gaining altitude over the top of the handle bars this was not meant to happen when cycling. Maybe when you where on the moon not on a bike. I was about to go face first into the sidewalk .Great first day of school and id already be kissing the curb. Hence why I never wore make-up. It doesn’t make any difference when you tackle the concrete as often as I did in the past. I closed my eyes tight and embraced myself for pain. I knew what was coming pain was a familiar foe. One I wish I didn’t have to face.

Brodie's POV

School. Great this I was not looking forward too. I doubt the only ones that would be would be where the nerds and the players. Both for different motives. Ready to start school all over another year another set of boring classes with boring teachers and moaning clingy friends and girlfriends. Just wonderful! I’m not the positive type never was and I doubt I ever will be especially in the mornings - I was not a morning person. No matter how much 5 hour energy drinks or granola bars my mom shoved into me, I was Just happy she wasn’t forcing me to sit down to a breakfast. The only thing I had to look forward to was football, basketball and everything in-between. Sports were my life .Someday it was the only thing that got me through the day. Education was not my strong point. I wanted a career in sports, another thing to look forward too.

I was deciding what type of person I wanted to be this year. Nerd just wasn’t me, Jock well technically I am a jock I mean I was the top player on the football team not to gloat or anything. But I wasn’t typical jock I didn't sleep with girls and just dump them. I didn't cheat on my girlfriends. I didn't get drunk at parties every other day. I most certainly wasn’t big headed. It just wasn't me; at least that was my opinion. I was just I don't know average? Myabe I would try to be more positive this year.I ran my hand through my dirty blond hair pulling at the ends. A hair cut needed. I was wearing my canvas shorts and my old school basketball singlet the number twenty two starting to fade on my back. Not exactly the most stylish thing to wear to school, but whatever.

I turned to look for my bag and found it under my bed I tipped last year’s contents on the floor and threw the bag over my shoulder. I plodded slowly down the steps. I walked into the kitchen and saw my brother running around probably looking for his keys as usual so he could go to the store. Zach was my older brother he was tall like me with the same green eyes and dirty blonde hair .Often when we were younger we were called twins. Zach was working at school .God knows why! Probably because he was a star player when he played and just loved to shove it in my face. He was an assistant coach for the football team.Why he came to coach at the same high school he left is beond me once I leave I wasnt ever coming back.

"You trying out for the team this yeah shortie".This was such a stupid question I try out for the team every year so I gave him a stupid answer.

"Nope I’m considering trying out for the school cleaning crew I hear there looking for a new Olympic standard toilet cleaner" a said sarcastically a grin spreading over my face.

A wash of humour spread over his face "you really are a shortie you know joining the toilet washing team would suit you, your closer to the toilet than you are anything else".

I bumped his shoulder as he threw his arm around my neck and roughly rubbed my head

"Calm, down boys no need to get worked up on the first day of school"

I looked at my mom she was standing at the counter trying to eat her bagel, straighten her hair and talk to someone on the phone .Women! I didn’t bother to eat just grabbed some money for lunch leant and gave my mom a kiss and walked out the door.

"Have a good first day honey" she shouted.Covering the phone with her hand dropping the bagel on the floor in the process.

"Will do mom" boredom filled my reply but I laughed at my moms Clumsieness. Zach was going to come later .He didn’t need to work for another few hours. When he had a meeting with Coach Myers about this years game plan.

I grabbed my battered skateboard from the hall and walked out down the perfectly kept drive. I threw the board on the ground and kicked off with left foot .I sped past the houses. Wondering what was going on inside. I slowed down forgetting to keep pushing with my foot. I leaned to the right turning the corner smoothly. I saw people walking towards school all with empty rucksacks , Not for long .

A second later  I heard a screeching of brakes I  tried to turn my head look what was happening but a bike went flying past me knocking me backward of my board. The board flew out from under my feet and i rolled on to my back. I knew well how to fall properly I had made the point of learning to fall properly after breaking my arm my wrist  and my collar bone all within a year or so of each other .

On a skate board it’s a compromise. I sat up and ran my hand through my hair .I stinging pain ran through my elbow to my shoulder. I could move my arm it wasn’t broken I didn’t care for what was wrong with it now. Checking all my limbs where all still attached. I looked across the sidewalk and less than two feet away from me a girl .About my age her arm bent under her back at an odd angle and blood was trickling from a  cut on her head. She was flat out and not moving. I panicked.



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