2: The amulet and a Mission

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Chapter 2: The Amulet and a Mission

A/N: So upset right now, totally had this chapter ¾ of the way done and lost it amongst writing papers for school and accidently deleted it!

Kiylee’s POV

-August 2011-

The crystal clear stream glistened in the light of a full moon; luminate stray shimmers of light danced up from its surface and decorated the forest around me. I had thought I was alone staring into the depths of the stream but someone spoke to the right of me. I looked over and there sitting next to me was a face I both knew and didn’t know. And the more I tried to recognize the features the more they began to blur in my vision.

Whoever they were, they were much taller and larger then myself.

“Can I hold your hand?” The voice spoke.

I looked up to the person with a nervous fluttering in my stomach. “Yes,” my voice said even though I didn't know I had moved my own mouth.

A large hand took hold of my own and for a moment we both looked up towards the sky.

“I will protect you Aurora.” The person beside me spoke again.

Aurora? Who was that?

I looked over to them again, and this time for a moment the features of their face were clear and sharp and I could see his forest colored eyes clearly. But then it all started to melt away and next to me sat a large black wolf with golden eyes.

“Do you accept me?” A voice spoke inside my mind. But before I had time to answer I felt the world around me being pulled away. Or maybe I was being pulled away from the world around me. The black wolf tilted back is large head to howl but I didn’t hear it.

I awoke to my alarm clock signaling it was time to start another day.  The strange dreams from the night before were still clinging to the insides of the eyelids.  With too much effort I slammed the off button to my alarm clock, secretly hoping I had smashed it against the wall instead so it never had to wake me up again. The next second I none to gracefully slid out of bed onto the cold floor; this was part of my morning ritual to wake myself up. The coldness on my skin from the lack of blankets helped me to get up faster.

I sat on the floor a moment longer than normal thinking about my dreams from the night before.  There was the drowning in ice and being bitten one, again, and this new one. Those eyes seemed so familiar. At least I didn’t dream about drowning and being bitten twice tonight.  Shaking my head I rose to my feet and glanced at the clock I managed to not kill 3 minutes previously, it read 5:03 in the morning.  

Great, it about 2 and a half hours I would be starting my first day of my last year of public schooling. Not that I had really had much public schooling in the last 6 years of my life, due to my slight issue with fighting in school my adopted mother under the permission of the Council had given me the chance to remain home schooled. But this year they were not allowing it, saying I needed practice being around people my own age.  It was a decision I was not too proud of. So with that choice now set in stone I was starting my senior year of high school a year ahead of time because of doing so well in my home schooling and under strict guidelines to not punch anyone in the face, even if they were being an ass hole.

With a shiver I walked over to my closet, despite Arcata California being relatively warm most of the year I did not tolerate being cold at all, period. And whatever temperature it was outside at the moment, without sunlight it counted as cold.  I tossed  on a black long sleve shirt over my sports bra that I slept in overnight and exhcnaged my pj bottoms for a pair of black leggings. My next mission consisted of rutting around for a sweat shirt and I found a well loved and tattered black hoodie.

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