Dealing with Insanity

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Ladybug and Chat Noir nodded at each other. There was a new akuma in Paris that seemed bent on destroying a young girl named Laila. Something about...stealing cookies? Either way, Ladybug and Chat Noir needed to protect this innocent civilian.

Chat knocked on the door.

A girl peeked out.

She looked around 14, with black hair and dark-brown eyes. She was wearing jeggings and a T-Shirt that screamed in loud letters- 'ADRIENETTE FOR LIFE!'

Laila gasped.

"Oh my god! Ladybug! Chat Noir! Here! At my house! My life is complete!"

Ladybug and Chat Noir both internally sighed. They had dealt with fangirls many times before. It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

The girl looked at them with realisation.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just, I'm a fangirl. I'm kinda insane. Sorry. But come inside!"

Ladybug looked at Chat. Chat shrugged.

They went inside.

Her room was surprisingly plain for someone who claimed to be insane. Maybe she realised this, for she spoke up.

"Strict parents. Though, I know you'll probably understand, seeing as you're 14/15 and all. Especially Chat."

Chat balked at her.

Laila covered her mouth.

"I've said too much."

Ladybug's yo-yo was around her faster than she could blink.

"What do you know about Chat Noir and me? Start talking. Now."

Laila shrugged.

"I'm a fangirl."

Ladybug slowly loosened her yo-yo.

"Ok, but that still doesn't explain how you know so much." Ladybug said.

"I have great observation skills..." Laila leaned over and whispered in her ear

"...Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Ladybug gasped.

"How do you know that?"

"Know what? Know what?" Chat asked desperately.

Ladybug refocused on Chat.

"She...she knows my identity."

"She does?"

Laila smirked.

"And don't think you're safe, kitty. I know who you are as well, model boy."

Chat paled.

Ladybug looked at Chat strangely.

"You're a model?"

Chat shrugged.

"Yes..figure it out Ladybug...figure it out..." Laila whispered. Of course, the superheroes heard her.

Laila shrugged (Is it just me, or are her shoulders invincible?)

"I'm a fangirl. It's my biggest dream for you to figure out each others identity and kiss and get married and have three adorable little kids named Emma, Louis and Hugo and-"

Laila stopped once she realised that both Ladybug and Chat Noir had turned beet red.

"Yeah..." Laila said awkwardly. She shook it off.

"So why are you here? Wait don't tell me. There's an akuma going after me, and you two are here waiting for it to show up so Ladybug can purify it and you both save the day!"

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