Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

He was silent for a moment and then he spoke,

"You're just like dad, you know that?" He smiled small "he was just as passionate as you are, about everything, especially mom." He smiled sadly "you remind me so much of him, it's fucking insane." He spoke and then a smile melted on my face as I looked at him,

"Really?" My heart felt like it had grown a little bigger in my chest. That's no fucking doubt, the nicest thing anyone could have ever said to me,

Fuck it Alex, getting me all emotional and shit.

"Yeah man." He smiled, "I really hope she's the one," he laughed "the last one." He added and then I smirked.

"I still think you should stay away, but I know your stupid ass is still going to try and pursue her so there's not really much I can tell you, but, know that if she's pregnant and she wants you, you're going to be involved with a girl that has a kid and an crazy ex boyfriend, you ready for that?"

"If I want her, I want all of her man." I nodded and then he smiled again as he lifted himself from the couch "Now get the fuck out of my apartment." He said walking past me "I really regret giving you a key." I could feel him eye roll.

"Nah you love when I come over." I shrugged. "Stop fronting." I smirked.

"Do this shit again and I swear I'm changing the locks!" He yelled disappearing into the darkness.

"Love you." I played, walking out of his apartment and then I heard his sweet little voice before I laughed,

"love you too."

Shelby's Point of View.

I had skipped school again today because honestly that was the last thing I had on my mind, considering the whirlwind of emotions that stirred inside of me, what's the point of going today, I mean I would physically be there but mentally I would be somewhere else and,

I'm better off faking a sickness and staying home.

I rolled around under the covers of my bed listening to emptiness of my house, everyone had gone on with their life's but I just wanted to be stuck in bed, stuck in this moment, feeling numb, I rolled onto my back and then lightly feathered my fingertips over my belly, thinking about my possible baby, it's strange to think that life could be inside of me and the boy I love, the father of my baby was losing it, losing his fucking mind.

Losing himself.

This was scary, I pulled my tank top over my belly to cover it and then thought about the conversation I had with Zara last night and how she had made me promise to stay away from Beau for a while until he gets better and even though it had ached at my heart, I knew it was the right thing to do,

And it killed me.

I lifted myself to sit upright on my bed and then took a deep breath in, feeling the air fill my lungs while I tied my hair up into a bun. I exhaled and then slapped my hands down on top of the covers that coated my bottom half.

I bit my nails as I contemplated on what to do for the rest of the day now that seeing Beau wasn't an option,

I could draw, I miss sketching, or I could,

I cleared my thoughts, bringing my fingers to tuck my loose tentacle like strands behind my ear,

I could take that pregnancy test that had been calling me like a drug calling a drug addict.

No, I don't wanna know,

but it would be better if I knew for sure, then I had less to stress about,

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