17. Tones of holiday spirit

Start from the beginning

" damn, man. You almost gave me a heart attack " Aidan exclaimed and I turned to look at him

" what happened?! " I asked again.

" don't bother. Believe me " he said slipping an arm around my shoulder and started walking again.

" don't bother. Are you serious?! " Mason shouted dramatically " my scissors just broke!! "

And I was actually worried about that idiot!!

" how the fuck did this even happened?? " I was actually confused.

Leave it to mason to break a scissors with a magazine.

" I told you don't bother you didn't believe me. "

" you two aren't a good friends.. I just told you my scissors broke and you act as if it's nothing!! Damn you " he shouted again.

" ah. We're finally here " Aidan interrupted Mason's wailing _thankfully.

" thank god " I exclaimed running with Aidan looping his arms through mine.

" mail box " he warned as we finally made it and I rang the bell eager to tone down Mason's wailing.

" APRIL! " Matt exclaimed as he saw me " I knew what you did you idiot " he exclaimed again and I chuckled giving him a hug.

" just wanted to spent one last Christmas being blind " I grinned.

He certainly did roll his eyes and then said his Hello's to the boys.

Which was only acknowledged by Aidan of course who gave me a goodbye kiss before dragging Mason out of there.

" woah, what happened to him " Matt asked.

" he lost something precious to his heart. Now ready to go shopping "


" thank you Matt " I kissed his cheeks and secretly thanked god that I didn't mess it with his lips.

God. Kissing people while being blind is difficult.

" no, prop, April see ya later "

As I entered the house I was greeted by non other than my sweet, sweet,sweet, sweet, sweet, very sweet grandmother.

" where have you been, you improper lady! A girl shouldn't be out this late "

" oh, grandma, I missed you " I said cheerfully hoping that she wouldn't caught up on my sarcasm.

I Don't think that these are the words I want to hear when you're out until this hour

" I don't think that these are the words I want to hear when you are out until this hour " she scolded and I could swear I can imagine her scowling.

It sometimes scare me how much I knew her.

" oh. I'm sorry grandma. What are the words?! " I asked innocently.

Don't play dump, girl. It's unladylike. I demand an apology.

" don't play dump, girl. It's unladylike. I demand an apology "

" oh. Sorry grandma. " I said trying my best to sound sincere.

Try to sound sincere next time. I should have a talk with Jennifer about your manners. Agh. Young people these days.

"Try to sound sincere next time. I should have to talk to Jennifer about your manners. Agh. Teenagers these days. "

Daaamn that was close.

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