Chapter Forty Nine

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The air punched from my stomach. My hands flew up to catch my gasp as I stared at Mason's infamous smirk and the gun he held to Aran's head.

The crowd had gone very still, as if one tiny movement or sound would set off that gun on its own.

I couldn't move. Couldn't think. All I saw was Mason and his finger hovering over the trigger, the smugness on his face.

"What are you doing?" I almost trembled, my voice approached him slowly, like a man did a lion.

His laugh was a harsh, broken sound. "What do you think I'm doing, Forest? This is going to be fun."

What was his plan?

"Mason?" Thea's voice cracked as she stepped from the crowd and paused in her steps with wide eyes. Matthew and Amber stood behind her, mouths nearly agape.

Matthew's surprise didn't last for long. His expression grew hard and his lips drew back into a furious snarl.

There had to be a plan in motion, there had to be something happening behind the scenes that would soon save us from this mess. The guards should be gathering, preparing to attack. Unless Mason was two steps ahead, like he always seemed to be.

"Mason, stop this right now." His father growled.

"Father, how nice it is to see you again. How long has it been? A couple of years? Lovely. Oh and Mother, you look ravishing tonight. Ah, Thea, my beautiful sister."

He was rolling his eyes, looking his parents up and down like they were his to judge, like he was their king and they were disposable servants.

Without warning he took the gun and shot upwards, the sound echoing throughout the lonesome forest and causing a shudder to roll through the crowd. And then he turned the gun on the crowd.

I gasped, backing away.

"This isn't your fight, you have ten seconds to run and if you don't I will shoot Aran or anyone I please."

He was counting down from ten but the crowd didn't shift, didn't move. That was when Mason shot at one of the candles dancing lazily on the table. The small flame bounced until the forest floor was blazing.

Screams erupted abruptly and the atmosphere turned chaotic and I felt so, so small in that moment. My hands were shaking in anticipation but I had no clue what to do, no clue what to say. Anyone who tried to put the fire out was shot at.

Aran was growling and struggling and I could feel his fury. I was sure everyone could feel his fury; it rolled off of him as he fought.

I heard a scream and turned to see Matthew and Amber. They were shot. Amber grasped her thigh and Matthew held onto his stomach.


Screams and chaos. I didn't know what was going on. In front of me, Mason and Aran were battling for the gun, James was landing punches on Caleb, Jacin was by my side.

One minute, I was standing in a beautiful dining setting, with soft candles, laughter and boisterous voices in the air. The next I was in a scene of fire and fury. Screams and fear.

I rushed toward Thea and her parents, blowing out any small dancing candle I saw. I grabbed table cloths off of tables and landed on my knees as I approached them.

"Here, Thea stop the bleeding!" I thrust the table cloths onto their wounds and pressed down on Amber's leg, ignoring her groans. My hands grew red with her blood and I heard more screams and I looked up into the navy blue sky, staring at the stars and the moon praying praying that this would pass easily, that this would not be the end of anyone.

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