Chapter Eleven

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Wrinkles formed around Aran's eyes as he laughed. We were currently walking around his pack territory on a proper tour, as he called it. We were asking each other questions as an attempt to get to know each other. He was laughing because I had fallen off of the bike. Originally we were going to bike around the territory because it was so big, unfortunately for me I had forgotten that I didn't know how to ride a bike. He had made it look so easy when he hopped onto the narrow seat and peddled around so carelessly. When I had hopped onto the two wheeled vehicle, I had fallen right off. That had been about ten minutes ago and Aran was still laughing. I, on the other hand, could already see the dark bruise that was sure to form on my hip.

"It's really not that funny." I said even as I smiled.

"You're right, it's not funny it's hilarious! No one ever taught you how to ride a bike?" He stood up straighter. You can't ride a bike underwater, I wanted to say. Instead I shrugged.

"Riding a bike isn't that important." I scoffed. He looked down at me stupidly.

"It's a monumental moment for every kid." It wasn't for me. Learning how to swim had been a monumental moment in my life, and probably every mermaids life.

"Oh yeah? How'd you feel the first time you rode a bike?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, "it felt as if I had accomplished all of life's goals. Pride is a great feeling. My father is a very.....Trying man, the one thing he cares about the most is success. He made me accept the Alpha position at the younger age of 16, so that I could get accustomed to the title and learn how to get the hang of things early. My whole life, he expected so much from me, and he still does. When I rode that bike for the first time was probably the only time he was truly proud of me, especially since I was the first of all my friends. He wanted me to gloat, to be arrogant like he was, but that's not who I am. Arrogance is unnecessary, my mother taught me that much."

My heart twisted at the hard relationship between Aran and his dad, but a small smile grew on my face as I thought of how he overcame his father's judgment.

"Do you like being an Alpha?"

"It can be stressful sometimes but I can handle it. The pressure is what gets me, sometimes I doubt myself, but you have to believe you can do it, otherwise you can't" He replied.

I realized that him and I were not that different when it came to leading. I always had doubts about whether I would be a good Queen for my people, he on the other hand had doubts but had learned to overcome them.

I looked up at him to see him staring straight ahead. "How did you overcome the pressure?"

"Every time I have doubts about anything, I would tell myself that I would be fine and that I could do it. There were times when just telling myself wouldn't work, but it did make me feel more comfortable. The key thing that helped me the most was to try. To really try. Because even if you fail in the end, you'll know that you gave it everything you've got, and that's all that matters. And then all you have to do is get back up and try again." I nodded in understanding.

He looked at me, "what about you? How's your life at home?" My body tensed, gulping I replied.

"I'm an only child and my parents have been together as long as I can remember. I'm more close with my mom than my dad. My dad is distant, he's always busy with........Work."

"Oh? What does he do?"

I said the first thing that came to my mind, "he's an astronomer." I remembered reading about astronomy.

Aran looked surprised, "an astronomer? That's interesting."

"We're coming up to the pack house." He pointed to a large mansion. There were kids playing outside and people were going in and out of the house. The house was white, with a clean front lawn and a backyard that seemed to be the forest.

"Do your parents live in there?" I asked.

"Yes, and so does Thea, we can go inside if you wanted to see her."
"Yeah lets go say hi." I wanted to see Thea again, if only because she was my friend. Aran nodded and grabbed my hand entwining our fingers together.

As we walked inside I noticed everyone stop and either greet Aran with a nod, or stare at me. He would greet everyone we passed, surprisingly, by name. Most of the children looked at me with curiosity shining brightly in their eyes, but some of the adults looked as if they were deeming me worthy or not.

The interior of the house was clean and beautiful with white walls and wide windows that welcomed the sunlight. The house was three stories high and Thea's room was on the third floor. Aran led me up and up the stairs until we reached the top floor. There were five or so rooms and a bathroom at the end of the hall. We walked up to a door amd Aran knocked loudly.
Thea opened the door with a bored look on her face until her eyes fell on me.

"Forest!" She pushed past Aran and hugged me tightly.

"It's great to see you too Thea" Aran muttered sarcastically. I laughed hugging her back,

"It's only been a day Thea! You act as if its been years."

"I know, I know its just felt like forever."

"Are Mom amd Dad home?" Aran asked.

Thea looked at him, "only Mom is home, Dad is out to lunch with one of his friends. Why don't you go find Cameron or something."

Aran sighed, "you're just oozing love today aren't you."

"I heard my name!" Cameron hollered as he came out of one of the rooms down the hallway. All three of us looked at him.

"Ah it's nice to see you again Forest." He said politely.

"Yeah you too Cameron," I smiled.

"Oh! I have those books I caught you with some time ago, if you want them."

"Oh thanks for holding onto them, I'll take them back please." As Cameron and Aran left to get the books, a lady came up the stairs.

"Thea, honey you have mai-" she stopped before breathing in deeply amd looking up right into my eyes.

"Who is this?" She asked still looking at me.

We held each others gaze. "Oh Mom this is Forest, she's Aran's . . . Mate. Forest this is my mom, Amber." Thea explained quickly, her voice holding a tinge of nervousness.

"Mate?" A bright smile lit up her face as she stuck her hand out to me, "I'm so glad Aran has found his mate! Its so wonderful to meet you!" She exclaimed as we shook hands.

"Mom?" I heard Aran's voice behind me.

"Sweetheart! Your mate, Forest, is wonderful!" I smiled at her,

"Its wonderful to meet you too." I said to her with a nice smile on my lips.

"Oh you must stay for dinner, and meet my husband! I'm sure he would love you."

Aran cut in, "Mom I'm not sure now is the right ti-" his mother cut him off, "hush sweetie, any time is the right time! I'm going to call your father, and figure out what's to be for dinner. I can't wait to get to know you Forest!" She said before nearly flying down the stairs.

Her thought of getting to know me did not sit well in my stomach, neither did the thought of meeting Aran's father, based on what I had heard of him so far.

I turned to Aran and Thea.

They both looked just as uneasy as I felt.

It would be a long night.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and/or comment! Please excuse any mistakes.
Until next time!


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