Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The walk was long, and full of questions from my answer-seeking mother.

What's his name?
What's he like?
Is he tall?
What color is his hair?
What color are his eyes?

After bombarding me with enthusiastic questions, which I gladly answered, she turned to Jacin.

"Jacin, what do you think of him?" She asked, linking her arm with mine, and leaning towards Jacin for his answer. Flashes of light passed across our faces as we passed countless fluffly trees filled with verdant leaves and covered with strong bark.

"He's amazing," Jacin gushed sarcastically, clearly thinking the exact opposite.

"Really?" I laughed out loud at my mother's oblivion, and glanced at Jacin, who wore the hint of a smile on his lips.

"No, Mom, he's just being sarcastic." I giggled.

A small frown twisted her lips downward, "oh, so you don't like him?" She questioned, already hurting for a boy she had yet to meet.

Jacin pondered the question before answering, "I don't know him, and that bothers me."

"Ah, I see. You are worried, but I can asure you, my Forest is in good hands." She patted my arm, a sure smile covering her face.

"How can you be so sure?" Jacin asked bluntly.

"Because Aran is her soulmate and an Alpha male. You must understand, werewolves are fragile creatures when it comes to their mate. They love their mates unconditionally, and I'm certain that if you asked Aran if he would give his life for Forest, he would say yes, maybe even gladly."

Jacin seemed to understand what my mother was saying, and nodded his head. I nudged him, throwing him a small smile that said give him a chance. Jacin smiled and nudged me back. I was happy to see that his smile said, alright.

We continued to walk for another five minutes before I started to wonder if we were even in the right area. I only caught a faint hint of Aran's scent, but not enough of it that would lead me right to him. Luckily, the forest floor was covered in moist dirt, and leaves. Thorns and sharp sticks would not do any good to our bare feet.

A low growl was heard to my right. Four wolves lunged from the outer trees, and surrounded us with ferocious growls. They took defensive positions, ready to leap at our throats should we make any sudden moves.

Jacin jumped in front of my mother and I defensively, scowling at the wolves, which were nearly as tall as he was. Intimidation wouldn't save us today.

I lightly touched Jacin's shoulder and stepped up beside him, showing my palms to the wolves.
Looking each one of them in the eye I said, "we mean no harm. We're looking for Aran." The wolves flashed their eyes at each other before turning and leaping back out of view. Before we could try to run, four men were in front of us, arms crossed against their bare chests.

"What business do you have with Aran?" The tallest one with hair as dark as night spoke.

Jacin scowled at him, disliking his overpowering height and intimidating nature.

I hesitated, "I just need to see him, he knows who I am."

"And who are you?" He snapped back.

"My name is Forest, can't one of you run back and tell him I'm looking for him?"

He eyed me warily, "no need." His eyes found the forest ground and stayed there, as if he were completely torpid. It were as if he were having a conversation in his head. I peered curiously at him.

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