Chapter Four

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My body shot up into a seated position as I rapidly blinked my eyes, trying to clear my vision. The room I occupied was illuminated with a nice orange glow. Where was I?
I clutched my head, it felt like someone was banging a seashell on my head continuously, it felt never ending. Squinting around the room I tried recognize anything. The door was white and there was an armoire against the wall to my right. The walls were beige. A small table stood by the bed I was sitting in with a lamp and a pair of dark........glasses? I've seen humans wear these before, I just couldn't remember what they were called.

Suddenly the events of last night came rushing back to me. I had bumped into a nasty looking boy who had pushed me down where I hit my head after I broke into the library. The library! My books! I examined the room frantically looking for my books, they were stacked neatly on a desk that sat in the corner of the room. A sigh of relief passed through my lips, if I had lost those books, this whole adventure would have been ineffective.

Then, a pair of beautiful eyes swam through my memory. The eyes that were green ringed with gold, so unique. I had never seen eyes such as those before. Most merpeople had blue eyes, the color of their home. But I have green eyes, the color of the forest, hence my name. That was how my Mother had found the name Forest for me, because my eyes reminded her of the land above.

I slowly untangled myself from the soft white covers and stepped out of the warm bed. My feet hit a plush crimson carpet that I hadn't noticed before. I noticed another door slightly ajar to my left, with curious steps, I made my way into the much smaller room. The floor was very cold and almost glass like. There was a white tub with a faucet hanging over it and a glass rectangular shower in the far corner. Across from it was a.......toilet, I think that's what they are called. I remembered most of these furnitures from my aunts house but the harder the name, the harder it was to remember.

Turning toward the faucet that arched over the small bowl on the counter I reached over and turned the small knob next to the neck of the faucet. A slow trickle of water fell aimlessly into the bowl, continuing to go down a hole in the bowl. I stepped back giggling, water! I outstretched my hand toward the falling liquid and watched as a small ball of water floated to me to hover over my hand. A bright smile lit up my face. I slashed my hand upward and the water sprayed over head falling in tiny cute droplets all over me and the floor. Oops. I giggled, subconsciously willing myself not to shift. Now using both my arms, I raised them up above my head and gathered up all the droplets to form the same small ballof water, dropping it back into the sink with the rest of it, and turning off the water.

Sighing through my nose I retreated back to the other room and retrieved my books. I need to get home. I wanted to see the boy again, not only to thank him, but to see his wonderful eyes just one more time. If only I had been conscious last night. But then I remembered something quite distinct about him. His scent. It had been, weird. I sensed human, but it hadn't all been there. Something was off, definitely. Unfortunately I couldn't wait to find out, I needed to be back in the ocean. I couldn't imagine what my father was doing, or worse, Jacin. I had lied to him. That familiar guilt seeped back through my pores, invading my senses. When I returned, I would beg for his forgiveness and hope that he accepted all my apologies. After all I did have good reason.

Looking around I spotted a window, which was surprisingly open. I approached it when suddenly I stopped. Sunlight. It covered me like a warm, soft blanket. It was just like I had formerly imagined; soft and beautiful. It filled me with warmth automatically making my day better, melting away almost everything on my mind. The guilt still lingered. I poked my head out the window, spotting the earthy floor a few feet below me. Clutching my books around me and searching for any people, I stepped out of the window amd shot into a quick sprint.

How weird it felt to be running, actually running. It felt so nice. Like stretching out parts of your body that have been inactive for so long. My hair flew behind me catching the sunlight, feeling just as free as I did. The pain in my head already subsiding. I could smell the salty ocean beckoning me to come home, only a mile away. A wide smile stretched acrossed my face.

But then he was there, directly in front of me. I screeched to a halt nearly crashing into him. That boy with the beautiful eyes stood before me, glaring. I looked at him, not only were his eyes beautiful but his face and structure and everything about him was wonderful. More wonderful than any merman I had ever seen. But how had he moved so fast? I hadn't even seen him come up beside me. And then there was his weird yet enticing scent. It was like breathing in a sweet and salty ocean breeze, my favorite smell. He was even lovely when he was angry.

Wait, what in the seas was he angry about? It couldn't be on behalf of my sudden leave, could it?

"Why were you trying to leave?" I guess it could be.

I looked down, suddenly embarrassed, "I just wanted to go home. I need to get home," I paused before I added, "and thank you for helping me yesterday."

"You can't leave, at least not yet. And you're welcome, that bastard deserved what he got," his tone was bitter, "what were you doing stealing books so late at night, from a library, you do know the books are already free right?" I hadn't known actually. He was asking me a question that I couldn't answer, so instead of answering I avoided the question.

"Why can't I go home?" And what are you? A question I wouldn't dare to ask but wanted an answer for badly. While he was very handsome, I was still wary around him. I didn't know what he was on the inside or if he was even human.

"You just can't. Accept it, or don't, but you're not leaving." He looked agitated.

A new level of alarm rushed through me. I had to leave. Now. If I didn't get home Jacin would come looking for me. He must have figured out where I had gone by now and he would be furious and hurt. My absence would only cause problems for my Father. The people would be in a frenzy, it would only make things worse. And he would be angry, very angry. I could already see the dissapointed expression on my Mother's face.

I shook my head at the boy, and started to walk past him but he roughly grabbed my upper arm. Warmth spread through me from his touch, my face heated. He pulled me back until he was looking down directly into my eyes.

"You are not leaving." His voice was calm but his eyes, there was a storm brewing in them. A tornado of green and gold destroying any thought of rebellion to ever cross my mind.

I will find a way to leave. I thought silently to him.


Yay new chapter! This book is getting more and more fun to write! If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions throw them out there! I love to here from people especially if it can help my writing....I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

-Drew :)

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