Chapter Twenty-two

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As I approached the room Aran had so angrily locked himself up in, I felt his emotions explode out of him and start to slowly settle into me. At first, it was a slight tingle that spread across my skin, tickling me everywhere. Then, I felt it sink into my body through my pores, causing my chest to turn into a battle field between hot and cold. Hot anger created a whirlwind of heat, while ice cold sadness and frustration sent shivers down my back, as if someone were running their freshly cut nail up the column of my spine. His emotions were so strong, that I could barely comprehend what I was feeling. With every step closer to our bedroom, I felt the war of emotions he had thrust into me grow feistier, more intense, as if the battle had reached its climax.

I sighed through my nose. This would be an interesting conversation, I thought before positioning my hand to knock. But as I was about to create rippling sound waves from the impact of my fist on the door, I heard his deep voice from the opposite side, "I don't want to talk about it." Of course he already sensed me coming.

I could hear anger brewing just beyond his voice; another army of emotions preparing for battle. I shook my head, hating how angry I had made him. "Can I still come in?" Silence. Maybe he was so angry that he didn't want to see me at all. I sighed again, and stepped away from the door, preparing to try again in five minutes, but then I heard a sharp reply, "fine."

My spirits brightened from their darkened state just from hearing the acceptance in his voice. Yet, there was also an edge to his voice, he definitely wasn't cured of his anger-at least not yet. I stared at the door knob for a few seconds before it clicked, turn the knob. My lips formed a small 'oh' of remembrance before I turned the knob and entered the room. Aran sat, cross-legged, on the bed with his head in his hands. After closing the door behind me, I approached him cautiously, not really knowing how to begin. I felt the bed dip under my weight as I sat down next to him. For half-a-second the only sound that could be heard was the sound of our breathing, slow and steady; overthinking yet ready.

He spoke first, "I don't like the idea of you leaving me." When he looked at me, I could see the worry in his eyes, like a small group of workers building a wall of negative what-ifs around his mind, closing all the entrances open for hope.

"I know, but I have to go, I have to try. Just let me try, please. My kingdom needs saving." His deep sigh held a debate in itself, I could practically hear the argument tumbling around in his head.

"What if something happens to you? What about the Pack, they have to meet you someday you know." I felt the familiar, jagged knife of guilt nudge at me from hearing about the Pack. I didn't want to let anyone else down.

I swallowed. "I'll have Jacin with me, you don't have to worry. And I promise, I will meet the Pack the same day I get back. I don't want to disrespect anyone."

"But Jacin's a dick." he replied bitterly.

"A dick? What. . ." I said, not understanding what he meant by dick. It must mean something rude, considering the relationship Aran and Jacin shared. Aran looked at me incredulously before understanding spread across his features like a ripple in a pond, created by one single touch. Suddenly he erupted, spewing melodic laughter, whilst I just stared at him basking in all his beautiful glory.

"Sometimes I forget that you're from a totally different world." I still stared.

"So are you going to tell me what a dick is, or not?" I asked, vacillating between being annoyed or being happy that he was happy. My question only caused more laughter to spout from his mouth. "A dick," he said between laughs, "is something that all boys have, and sometimes we use it as a joke, like I just did." I felt as if he were a parent and I were an innocent child asking about something I shouldn't be.

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