Chapter Nine: Jacin

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Shit, this cage was small. My tail could barely fit within its thick, unbreakable bars. The only way out was a key. A key that I didn't have. I sat on the rock in the corner thinking of the past few days. When Forest left the kingdom went to hell. The king had a heart attack and Hastings became the biggest traitor our kingdom has ever known. The Queen and anyone still loyal to the king was imprisoned just like me. King Chandler had not been a very acknowledging King, and Hastings used that to his advantage. He convinced most of the people that he was smarter than Chandler. The groups of people that revolted or caused turmoil were killed, slaughtered in there own homes. And now here I sat, in a rusty cage, useless and defenseless. I hated the feeling. People were dying and there was nothing I could do to prevent it.

I was furious with Forest. She left the kingdom after promising me she wouldn't, and she did not think about the consequences her absence might have. On top of that she never came back. It's been almost a week and there was still no sign of her; no message, no nothing. When I got out of here, and when I found her, she would hear a mouth full from me. I wanted to curse her and reprimand her for being so irresponsible, but I couldn't because I was in a cage; a small one at that. But at the same time I understood her need. Only two years ago I was a naive sixteen year old boy who wanted more than water, and politics. My father had been captain of the guard and now the title hung over my head like a sword. It wasn't a title I wanted, I opted for being the Princesses most trusted guard, which meant I had to be by her side at all times. Forest was a good girl and I knew that she meant no harm to the kingdom or to her parents, or to me. But there was a line to be drawn and that line restricted leaving without permission, without thought.

I already had a plan to get out. Jax, friend and fellow guard was now loyal to Hastings. Except he wasn't. He was smart enough to act as if he was and then come up with the beginning of a plan to over throw the monster that now held the crown. While Hastings was the one in possession of the keys to my freedom, Jax was working his way up to be one of his most trusted guards, which would make it very easy to slip the keys out from under him. Once I got out my main goal would be to find Forest, but after that I had no idea what we would do. We would have to come up with a plan to save our kingdom and we couldn't just burst under the water charging at Hastings. We needed a real plan, one that would suffice. But we had no allies, we had no army. 

Wherever Forest was I hoped she was okay. I couldn't afford her being in worse shape than the kingdom. For a second it felt as if I had a huge weight on my shoulders, but I swallowed the pressure forcing it deep down into my system.

Forest wherever you are I'm coming, and this time you won't leave my sight.

Thanks for reading! Any questions or thoughts you have feel free to voice in the comment section! Thanks again
- Drew :)

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