Chapter Forty Five

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I sat in bed twiddling my thumbs and staring at the cold spot beside me, where Aran slept last night. He'd went with Jacin to train, and to check in with James and Cameron about what we were supposed to do now. I wasn't sure our former plan was still a good one, especially since it seemed like Mason didn't plan on coming out of hiding, he was smarter than that. We had no idea what Mason was planning, so we didn't know what to look out for. Whatever game he was playing, we didn't know about it and I feared when it was our turn to strike, we'd be too late.

I didn't feel scared to be in the house with Caleb, alone. I was just glad Aran had no problem allowing it, he trusted me. I guessed that it was almost midday; the sun was shining brightly and the air was rippling with heat. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to accommodate the hot weather and headed downstairs for some seaweed and water.

I felt especially anxious today, for water. I felt my connection to the sea twist and tugged, beckoning me to the water, but I brushed it off. Maybe I could go swimming later.

Humans ate their seaweed dry and papery. It took some getting used to but nonetheless I loved the salty, fishy taste of it.

I heard light footsteps before Caleb joined me in the kitchen.

"Hello," I greeted him, "if you're hungry, you can search the kitchen." He nodded, smiling. He looked cleaner than he had yesterday, his hair was ebony colored, but now it had shape instead of its former tangled look. His face was brighter, and he stood taller, like someone who was well rested. I was glad he was doing better.

I saw that he had found the same thing Aran ate everyday for breakfast; cereal. When he sat across from me, he looked down, almost shamefully.

"I'm sorry that I've been so closed off about my past. You're my Luna now, and I feel like you deserve to know what I've been through." I was so taken aback by his words that I stopped mid chew and stared at him. I still got nervous glitters when I heard the word Luna.

I cleared my throat. "No, it's really fine. I totally understand and I don't want you to feel like your obliged to talk about something you're not comfortable sharing yet. I'll listen when you're ready, Caleb. There's really no rush."

He shook his head, swallowing his cereal. "No I want to tell you. You've been so nice to me, and I'm ready to tell someone." At that moment I saw the sixteen year old boy that he really was. There was sadness and guilt in his eyes when he looked at me and I recognized that look. I used to see it whenever I looked in a mirror. I used to feel it whenever I thought about home.

I nodded at him in encouragement.

"I used to belong to the Bluestone pack. And I was supposed to become the Beta after my father. Except, becoming Beta scared me, and it wasn't really what I wanted so I didn't take my responsibilities seriously. My dad wanted me to become stronger, but I just wanted to be a normal wolf, without the pressure of becoming Beta hanging over me. One day, my parents and I got into an argument. The night before I had gone to a party, gotten drunk, and came home wasted, so wasted I passed out. In the morning I had a huge hangover and my dad knew exactly where I'd gone. He was furious. But I was sixteen, I mean I still am, and I wanted to have fun with my friends, you know. Anyway, I walked out on them, I ran out of pack territory so that I could be completely separate from them. I didn't want to hear their dissapointment and I sure as hell didn't want to hear about how I was supposed to act.

He sighed. "But that night, my pack was attacked by rogues. I don't know why or how, all I know is that I wasn't there. I wasn't there to save anyone, and my parents died that night, fighting for their lives while I was-" He paused, his voice growing hoarse with emotion. I took his hands in mine.

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