Chapter Three

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       Friday night rolled around quickly. Adrenaline was pumping through my body as I shivered in anticipation. My heart raced and my excitement only grew higher and higher. I was currently lugging a chest filled human clothes from behind my bed, which wasn't really a bed but more a rock covered in moss.

      My aunt had given me the human clothes and the chest. The chest was supposed to be able to withstand the high pressure from being under the sea, I hoped she was right. Drudging around in wet clothes would not be nice. Chest in arm, I squirmed through the small window in my room and swam toward the surface. My body heated in a frenzied fever as I came closer and closer to the surface.

       My head popped up on the surface of the water, my brown hair sticking to my scalp. I wasn't too far from the sand. I quickly scanned the land for any people and thankfully, there was no one. Dragging my chest of clothes behind me, which had become exceptionally heavy, I made my way to the shore.

        Finally reaching the shore I flopped onto the sand, my tail wagging around threateningly. I laid on my back breathing in the cool sea breeze. It felt so nice to breathe air for once, and to feel such a wonderful breeze on my skin. I couldn't even imagine what the sun felt like, I hadn't felt it in years. Maybe it would feel warm and comforting like silk, just melting away all of your anxiety. Or maybe it would feel sweltering and excruciating like fire on your skin only increasing your unease, suffocating you. I hoped it was not the latter.

         It took me more than three seconds to will my body to shift into my human form. My tail began to tingle and I felt it fade away while being replaced with a pair of pale caramel legs. Mermaids and mermen shifted at their own will. Of course when a merperson was in human form and came in contact with water their body would naturally react and want to shift back. But that could be avoided if that merperson was strong enough to will themselves not to shift back, then they would be fine. It was something that I had barely any practice with, but I wasn't worried since I planned to be back in the water by dawn.

        Now that I had shifted, I sat there, feeling slightly self conscious, after all I was naked. I scrambled toward the chest and opened it. Inside were neatly folded clothes and a hairbrush. How nice of my aunt to remember how unattended my hair would look. Gosh, I hadn't seen my aunt since I was six years old and now I was sixteen, I hoped the clothes fit. My aunt had packed me clothes that had been intentionally too big for me at the small age of six and claimed that by the time I came back to dry land they would fit.

         I pulled out a pair of underpants and slipped them on. Then I pulled out some black stretchy pants that were very tight, yet very comfortable. Next came an article that was like the shells I wore on my chest, but much much lighter and softer. I put it on, figuring it out easily. And finally the last piece of clothing was a warm white sweater that dropped to the middle of my thighs. I sighed in content, it was so soft, like nothing I had ever felt before. After brushing through my hair, which was still damp, I stood up and began to walk, stumbling along at my lack of practice with two legs.

         Now, I just have to find a library. I had no idea where I was but I knew that there had to be a library around somewhere. I was most likely in some small little town. Merpeople tended to form their kingdoms in areas that were not quick to come to mind. As I walked I felt different textures on my feet and looked down to see them bare. I guess the size of the clothing needed to cover my feet was too difficult to assume. I shrugged. The town was not deserted, as I thought it would be. A few people walked along the streets and vehicles, that I knew to be called cars, glided along the roads. I looked around rapt with awe at the tall buildings and green forests behind them. So many trees and so much grass and dirt. I was ecstatic! So lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I had bumped into someone.

"Oh, oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I uttered looking from side to side.

"It's quite all right." a small but deep voice said. Curiosity dominating my anxiety, I looked up. I saw a boy with round glasses in plaid clothing that had small round things in the middle formng a straight line. He was holding a large load of......books! My face lit up at the sight. Maybe he knew where the library was!

      "Where did you get those books? Is there a library near by?" I asked unable to contain my excitement. He looked at me confusion covering his freckled features. His orange hair moved from the small breeze.

"Yes, actually, it's right down this road to the right." He jabbed his thumb behind him, indicating which direction he meant.

         "Thank you." I said, my voice sincere as I brushed past him.
It didn't take me long to reach the library, and when I did the great sense of elation passed through me. But a frown crossed my face as my eyes found a small old lady at the doors. I hid from her on the side of a building. Once I was sure the lady was gone I made my way to the doors amd pulled. Locked. The library was closed. That's what the lady had been doing. I guess I would have to find another way in. Circling the building, to my amazement I came across an unlocked window. These people were very unprepared. Unprepared for people like me. I felt rebellious, like a character in a novel, doing rebellious things and acting rebelliously. After checking if my coast was clear I climbed into the library. I was amazed at the sight before me. So many books. I quickly found the section in which I was sure my beautiful relating character would exist but before I could really look at the books I heard the front doors opening.

       Without even thinking I grabbed three random books off the shelves and dashed toward the window swiftly slipping out. My heart was beating so hard against my rib cage I was sure one of my ribs would crack. As I started to run back toward the ocean I ran head first into a nasty looking boy. There was a deep blackness under his eyes. His eyes were so very red. His black hair was messy and tangled. I dropped the books in surprise. His scowl grew.

"Are--are you okay?" I asked in a timid voice. Fear coursed through me but I wanted to help this boy, call it my princess instinct.

"Get out of my way." He reached for my shoulders and shoved me with so much force that I toppled down alongside my books. I felt tears well up in my eyes, I had never been physically attacked, ever. Jacin had always been there to protect me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I'm going to go now" I said gathering my books from the floor. I started to walk past him but he gripped my shoulder.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Oh I'm no one special." I said trying to shake off his vice like grip.
I felt pain explode on my back as he slammed me into the nearest wall. "Just tell me, I've never seen you before" he snarled in my face. I cringed, this boy was crazy. And I didn't want to help him anymore. I just wanted to get away from him.

"Leave me alone." I whispered, my voice pleaded with him.

He only became more irritated as he screamed, "don't tell me what to do!"

Then, he pulled me from the wall and shoved me to the ground. My head hit the floor visciously, the sound echoed throughout my head sending waves of pain through my skull. Groaning I sat up, but my vision wavered. Everything ached. My legs from crumbling beneath me, my head, my back from being slammed into a wall. I looked for the boy through blurry eyes and saw a figure lying on the ground, unconscious. Suddenly green eyes appeared in front of me, they held worry and emotion. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen; green ringed with gold. Before I fell into the dark abyss of unsciousness I heard him say:

"I've found you. My...." mate?

_____________________________________________Tell me what you think: suggestions, questions, thoughts, anything awesome.
I really hope you liked it! And please excuse any mistakes.

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