New Perspective

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~Rose's POV~

What the hell? Why would Brendon call me? I finally answer. "Hi," I say. When I said it, my voice cracked.

"Hi, Rose," Brendon said. It's the first time I've heard his voice in months, it's crazy. "I just wanted to tell you that I'll be in town tomorrow," He said. I'm shocked.

It got really awkward really fast. "Oh, that's... cool," I say.

"Yeah, so I was, uh, wondering if you wanted to go hangout or something," He said.

"Yeah, sure, want to hangout after school? I'll just need you to pick me up at 3:30,"I ask.

"Okay," He said.

I look outside to see Dallon coming. "Sorry, gotta go, I'll see you soon," I say quickly hanging up my phone. Dallon gets into the car.

"Hey, who were you on the phone with?" He asked me.

"Just an old friend," I say. I guess he figured out who the old friend was.

"Why were you on the phone with Brendon?" Dallon asked.

"Who said it was Brendon? I have other friends," I defend myself.

"Then who was it?"

I look down at my fingers and fiddle with them. "Brendon," I mumble.

"Ha, I knew it," He said chuckling. "Now explain,"

"He just wants to hangout tomorrow since he's in town, that's it," I said.

"Okay, just don't go crazy when you see a celebrity," He joked. "Now lets go to my place," He said handing me the food. Then he starts driving towards his apartment. During the ride, it was sort of a struggle to keep the food away from Oslo. He kept tackling me to get the food.

After about 10 minutes, we get to his apartment. We get inside and finally set the stuff down. Dallon and I both flop onto his couch. "Is this what being a parent feels like?" He asks turning to me.

"I'm pretty sure being a parent to a child is 10 times worse," I reply.

"UGH," He said. "Well, let's eat,"

I get up to follow him to his dining table. We eat orange chicken and chow mein. I guess Dallon forgot to get us drinks, so now we have to have orange juice or water. Of course I chose water, but I really wanted some soda.

After we ate, we decide to take Oslo on a walk. Paris wouldn't go outside, so we are leaving her home for a little bit. We walk over to the park down the street.

~Brendon's POV~

I just got off the phone with Rose. It's been months since we've talked, and I randomly ask her to hangout. I'm insane.

I still have tour, and it's really fun, but I really miss Rose. I don't even know why I ever stopped talking to her, I just got busy and forgot. There's not a show we preform at, where I don't think of her. I never take my ring off, even if she doesn't wear it anymore.

~Dallon's POV~

We walked around the park, and got really tired. Oslo kept chasing other dogs and animals. Rose and I had to constantly run after him. After about ten minutes of us accidently letting go of his leash and him running around, Oslo got tired. We decide to sit on a bench.

"I'm so tired," Rose said.

"You should've let me run to get him then," I say.

"Sorry," She apologized. "I just didn't want you to run,"

"But I love running," I defended myself. She gave me a look. "Okay, fine, I don't like running, but you could've just taken a break,"

"I guess," She said still heavy breathing. "Can you carry me home? I don't feel like walking or else I'll pass out," She ask wrapping her arms around me.

"If I must, but you have to carry Oslo so he doesn't run away," I say. We sit there for awhile doing nothing. We were just watching people coming and leaving the park until we see a couple of familiar faces. Nick and Ashley. They're laughing and holding hands.

"Dall, can we go now? I'm tired," I guess Rose noticed them too. But then they noticed us.

"Rose?" Nick said walking towards us. "Sorry about what I said guys," He looks straight at Rose and pays no attention to me, what so ever.

"Oh my gosh, Rose!" Ashley said pulling Rose up to give her a hug. "I'm sorry if we were ever rude to you. I would never do that," Her smile was way too fake and way too unbelievable. But Rose looked way too uncomfortable. She didn't hug her back, then again, Rose doesn't like being around people a lot.

"I'm sorry, but we have to go," I said picking up Oslo. Oslo was growling at Ashley.

"Yeah, we are really sorry," Rose said. Then turns to whisper in my ear. "No we aren't," I let out a chuckle. "Bye," Rose said in a snobby way. She new she said it that way.

"Sometimes you are so badass," I tell her as we're walking.

"You know I don't like curses," She said.

"Sorry, babe," I apologized. We walked

"How are we going to take care of Oslo and Paris when we're always busy?" Rose asked me. "You're also supposed to carry me,"

"Fine," I hand her Oslo to carry, and I carry her bridal style. "We could hire someone to take care of them," I suggest.

"I guess, but I think we'll have to really trust the person," Rose said I nodded. I carry her all the way to my apartment. Oslo runs over to Paris and sits in front of her. They are cutest things ever!

Rose and I set up some of the stuff up for the pets, when I get a phone call. Nick.

I walk to my room, leaving Rose to play with Paris and Oslo by herself. I answer my phone.

"Hey Dallon," Nick greeted me.

"Don't 'hey Dallon' me. You f***king said rude things about my girlfriend and tried to apologize and continue your stupid a** day as if nothing happened!" I yell into the phone.

"Look, I am really sorry, but to be honest, I'm just afraid to lose her. I'm afraid that she will get heart broken again. I just didn't want her to get hur-" He tried to say.

"Wait. You think that me, her closest friend, would break her heart?" I interrupt him.

"Yeah, I'm just scared for her, but if you two want to date, you can date. I will not get in the way of that at all," Nick said more sincere. "Also, can you tell Jeffery that I apologized, he won't answer his phone to me," He said.

"Okay, gotta go," I said and hung up the phone. Wow, that made me look at the situation in a totally new perspective. I turn around to see Rose standing at my bedroom door way. "So, how long have you been there?" I ask her being a little bit embarrassed.

"The whole time," She said. Rose walked over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm mad at you, but I also feel better because of you," Rose said.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm mad because you cursed really loud, and I'm happy because you defended me," She said.

"Sorry, force of habit," I said and she giggled. "Well you have school tomorrow, so you should be getting home,"

We walked over to the living room. "Can Oslo stay with you tonight? I want to see how long these two can stay away from each other," Rose asked me.

"Sure," I said handing her a bag full of stuff that we bought for Paris.

We get over to my car and we drive to her house. I drop her off and it turns out that it's almost 9:00 PM. It's still early at night which means I can hangout with friends, but I need to get back to Oslo before he tears my home apart.

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