Chapter 26

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Jc's POV

I wake up very suddenly and check my phone. It's nine twenty in the morning. I loudly sigh and sit up. I just sit there for about ten minutes before deciding I need to get up and ready for the day.

After I finish my morning routine and get changed, I walk downstairs and notice that Kian and Skylar are the only people still sleeping. I chuckle at their sleeping position-- Kian looking like a starfish sprawled completely on his stomach and Sky lying almost on top of his back, their legs tangled together-- and take a picture to post to my social medias: Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram with the caption, "Skylar and Kian aren't used to sharing a bed so small 😂😂". "Hey, what are your guys' twitters," I ask mostly so I can tag them (T@GGED IS SO GOOD GUYS) but also so I can stalk Ana's account later. I don't know if all girls in Pennsylvania look like Skylar and Ana, but if so I'm moving there. They're fucking hot.

Wait, did I just say Skylar was hot? Fuck, do I like Skylar?

I quickly brush that subject off because I don't want to think about it and they answer me. "Yeah, mine is @/Ana_Burgess, B-U-R-G-E-S-S." I tag her and listen to Alex's as well. "Mine's @/Alex.195." I tag him as well as Kian and Skylar and post it, hearing all of their phones except for Kian's  (he left his upstairs) ding from me tagging them. I dm Ana out of boredness even though she's less than twenty feet away from me.

Jc: hey.

Ana: hi? 😂😂 you know we're in the same room, right?

Jc: yeah, but I'm bored as shit. Do you know how to ride a skateboard?

Ana: hahaha same and not really 😂 do i look like I do physical activity?

Jc: I dunno... u seem pretty fit.

Ana: high metabolism is a life saver

Jc: 😂😂 same if u saw my cheeks and I was wearing a baggy shirt or some shit u would think I was fatter than a fucking doughnut addicted demon

Ana: oh? 😂😭😂

I lock my phone and don't answer her until i hear two more buzzes coming from my phone.



Jc: I honestly cannot believe you would do something so horrible to me. And you know Jc is not my first name right? 😂

Ana: looks like you can't resist me and its not? 😏😏

Jc: WOAH WOAH WOAH I am not a side fuckboy. I am a main fuckboy. I'll resist you all I want. I just won't  because I enjoy talking to you lmao and no

Jc: I can teach you how to ride a hoverboard 😏😏


Jc: yes ducking way go out back and I'll be out in a few minutes.

Ana: yes master

Ana: ew wait wtf that sounds kinky lemme fix that

Ana: yes daddy

Ana: perfect 😭😂😭😂

I run upstairs and unplug and grab my hoverboard, overwhelmed with the fact that I finally have time to talk to Ana alone. I grab the hoverboard, which is a lot heavier than you'd expect it to be and see Ana is gone and Skylar and Kian have moved positions but still look the same amount of uncomfortableness. I try to be the quiet while I walk past Alex, but he seems too engulfed in his phone to even notice. I make it outside quietly and see Ana sitting on a tanning chair, waiting for me. When I set it down, she stands up and smiles. "Are you ready?" She exhales. "As I'll ever be. You're not making me do this by myself, right?!" I chuckle and shake my head. "Of course not. I'll help you up and help you move and then you can do it by yourself." She nods and walks up to it. "Is it on?" I laugh. "Yeah. Because I turned it on and ride it down the stairs." She laughs and I admire it slightly. It's funny. You don't realize the little things that somebody does until you really get to know them, but somehow, I can already tell those little things in Ana. From the way her nose crinkles when she laughs to the way her voice breaks when she thinks something is cute or emotional. What the fuck is going on with my emotions. "Jc? J...c..." i realized I zoned out and look at Ana. "Did I zone out? I'm sorry. What were we doing?" "You were teaching me how to turn this death machine on." I smile. "Right." I lean down to turn it on and see the green battery light turn on and stay solid. "Okay. So you want to step your left foot on first; here, I'll show you." I set my left foot on first and hurry up and set my right foot on too, balancing myself and spinning around. She giggles and I step off the back. "Okay, ready." "Sure." I chuckle and she smiles. She stands behind it and I hold her hands while she unsteadily sets her left foot on, following with her right. I let go of her and she stands on it, slowly but surely starting herself. "Holy shit! I'm doing it! How do you move?" I chuckle. "Tilt your feet." She does it and very slowly moves forward. "Am I a pro now?" "I think so. Hold on, let me grab my phone." I run into the living room and grab my phone and see that Skylar and Kian are still sleeping. I run back out and take a Snapchat of Ana on it, riding back and forth and then tell her to spin. I get a little bit of her spinning and then the video stops and she slows herself down, stepping off of the back just like how I did. "That wasn't smart of me. I get motion sickness really easily." I laugh at her and she sits down. "Could I see the video?" I nod and sit down, showing her it. She smiles at it. "That's cool. You can post that. Caption it something cool though so I don't seem so stupid on it." I laugh at her response to the video and caption it: 'Ana's getting turnt up in here 😎' she laughs and I post it. "Hey, add me on Snapchat," she says and pulls her phone out, going to her Snapchat and pulling up her snapcode. I take a picture of it and add her. "Here, I'll put my name in for you, and you can do that on mine." I chuckle and take her iPhone 6s+. "Why is your phone so fucking huge?" She laughs and looks at me funny. "What?" She giggles. "At first, I wondered where Skylar started swearing so much, but now it hits me. Kian and Jc! You two are my OTP, you know that?" I laugh really hard. "Why does everybody ship me with him?" "Cause you're cute together!" She pinches my cheek chub and I pull away from her. "My cheeks are chubby. I get it." She laughs and bumps her shoulder into mine. After a few seconds of comfortable silence, Ana speaks up. "Y'know, I have had more fun here just at this house in one day than I've had all year. And that says something, because I am the most fun person at a party." I chuckle and set my elbows on my knees. "How long are you staying?" "Four more days." "How would you like to prove it?" "Prove what? That I'm a good partier?" I nod. "We'll throw a party tomorrow. Invite a bunch of people. I can hook us up. One thing: are you okay with underage drinking, because I'm sure Kian and Skylar will both drink." "I would be lying if I've said I've never drank. Plus, what kind of party is it without alcohol?" "A no fun one." We chuckle together. I stand up and Ana gets up and hugs me. I slowly hug back, unsure why we are hugging. "What's going on?" "Thank you, Jc. For trying to make me have the most fun. It's really thoughtful. For my birthday, you know what Alex got me?" I look down at her and realize how short she is. "What?" "A freaking belly button piercing," she pulls her shirt up to reveal an unpierced stomach. "Does this look like the stomach that has a piercing?" I laugh. "And when was this?" She looks at me. "A month ago." I pull out of the hug to laugh out loud. "So like you guys have known each other for how long?" She licks her teeth. "About eleven years." I laugh even more. "Well, happy belated birthday. A big party will be your present. She smiles and takes my phone that I didn't know she still had to take a selfie. She takes a picture of her making a weird face and sets up her contact. I look at her contact name and see she put it As 'The hottest person in the world (Ana) 🔥🔥' I laugh and lock my phone and give Ana's phone back to her. She goes on Instagram and pulls up the camera. I back up and she pulls me in to join. I throw up a salutation and stick my tongue out. "Is that good?" I look at it, not caring. "I don't give a shit." She laughs and posts it. I get the notification from it and like it, reading the caption. 'My contact in @jccaylen 's phone is The hottest person in the world. Be jealous bitches 😝😝', so I comment: Not by choice 😂 watch out for this ho, she knows how to hoverboard now 😁. She laughs at my comment and we both walk inside together. I decide to wake Kian and Skylar now, since everybody else is awake. "Hold on, let me wake Sky. I miss doing it." "Okay?" She stands by the one couch and I decide to videotape, knowing it'll be funny. She jumps on Skylar on the air mattress, landing right on top of her. Skylar jumps and groans. "What the fuck, Ana?!" "Morning B-F-F! How'd you sleep?" Sky stretches. "Perfectly fine until you stirred me from my slumber." I laugh and Sky looks at me, flipping me off lazily when she notices I have a camera. "What time is it?" Alex speaks up. "Ten a m." Skylar nods. "Yeah, fuck that, fuck you, goodnight." Skylar leans into Kian and falls asleep again. I laugh and end the video. "Well we need to make a shopping list because we need supplies for a party." Ana cheers and Alex looks at me, confused. "Party?" I scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah, we are going to throw a party tomorrow." I lean down to Kian's level and watch him sleep for a second before I wake him up gently. "Kian, wake up," I say in a singing voice. When he doesn't wake up, I yell his name. "Kian!" He jolts awake and looks at me. "What the fuck do you want, Jc?" "We have to go to the store." "I don't care, Jc. Go buy your fucking pads or some shit by yourself." He goes back to sleep and I laugh at him and go into the kitchen to make a list of things we need for the party.

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