Chapter 2

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I wake up at 11:30 a.m. and put my long blonde hair in a "sassy bun" as my favorite youtuber, Grav3yardgirl would say, do my natural makeup, and grab my mint pastel and pink pennyboard to ride around. I stop at Taco Bell and get a Doritos Locos Taco and a Baja Blast slushie and sit down. I hear someone say "Can I sit?". I look up and see a handsome guy with dirty blond hair in a quiff and blue eyes. " Uh... Sure." I say, smiling. He takes a seat and tells me that his name is Joey. "I'm gonna go get a drink." He says. Another boy walks up and sits down. "Hey." I look up, and immediately smile. "Kian, hey!" Joey comes back and looks disappointed. "Hey Joey," Kian says. "What's up?" "Nothing." He says and looks down. We sit for a few seconds in an awkward silence. I break it by saying "Well, that was awkward. I gotta go guys. See ya!" I wave goodbye, but Kian follows me out the door. "Hey, wait up!" I turn around. "Yeah?" I reply. "Let's hang out. Like, now." "Okay. Got your pennyboard?" "Shit, no. It's at the house. Wanna come and grab it with me? It's just a few minutes away and you can meet the guys, too." "Okay." I say with a smile. I walk, carrying my pennyboard down to Kian's house. When we arrive, I set my pennyboard on the front porch of the HUGE house. Kian and I walk in and I see 6 guys. I remember Jc, but even though I don't know anybody else, they all look familiar. All of them are attractive, but Kian is still the hottest. They walk up one by one, saying their names. A blond haired, green eyed boy introduced me as Connor. A brown haired boy with a lip ring was named Sam. A boy with a cute lisp named Ricky was really funny. And the last one, who looked the youngest, was named Trevor. Kian grabbed his pennyboard, named Ghost, which was awesome, and we headed out. We head out to a park and swing on the swings next to little children, freaking them out. We ask if they want to play tag and they say yeah so we play tag with who we found out is Alice and Josh. They run after us and we hide in the tube slide. "Caught you!" Alice runs and tags Kian. I try to run up the slide but he pulls me down and tags me. We sit there laughing for a few minutes, then there was awkward silence for a minute. Kian looks at me with a 'seductive' look on his face and body burst out laughing. I look at him serious for a second and he leans in. And I leaned in. He kissed me. And I kissed back. He pulls away and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Ewww!" I hear Alice and Josh say, from both ends of the slide. I laugh, until I hear a gasp.

*Kian's pov*
I hear a gasp. I look over and I see Andrea. Andrea! Shit! I forgot about her! I look over and say, "Hey, babe, why are you here?" I say with a weak smile. "Well, I babysit these children, and I heard them yell Ew, so I went to see what they were Ewing, and I look over here and see you kissing this skank!" "She is not a skank, Andrea. You are. We're through." I say with pure anger in my voice. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Through?" "Through." I say, my voice unsteadying. She storms off with Josh and Alice in tow. "Well, that was crazy." I say trying to laugh, but she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

*Skylar's pov*
I see Andrea, and she sounds familiar. "And I look over here and see you kissing this skank!" Skank? I am not a skank! I may be, as people would say, pretty, but I've never dated anyone. Hell, I've never kissed anyone. He was my first. Back in Pennsylvania, I was not popular. I was picked on for being fake, or annoying. I only had about two friends, Alex and Ana. Alex was gay. Or at least, we think he was gay. Ana was my best friend since kindergarten. She had darker skin and dark eyes, almost black. She had dip dyed hair, going from a deep brown to light brown, to teal. She was beautiful. I never knew why she was friends with me. Anyways, i remember who she is. It was his girlfriend, and I kissed her boyfriend. I kissed Kian. My head spins and I hear words as I zone in and out. "Through?" I hear her ask. "Through." He says. He said this because of me. It's my fault they broke up, and we all know it. He tries to joke with me saying "Well, that was crazy." I look at him with tears filling to the brim, and run up the slide. I grab my pennyboard, and ride home, not able to see in front of me because of my tears clouding my vision. I reach home and run upstairs, leaving my front door open. My mom and dad are never home because they always work. I run up to the bathroom in my room and open the drawer. I find my razor blade. As I go to slide it across my wrist, it gets knocked out of my hand. I start crying and end up in the feetle position.

* Kian's pov *
I run after Skylar, carrying my pennyboard. She runs into her house, leaving the front door open. I run after her to try to talk, but she runs upstairs into her bedroom. I hear the drawer open and I run in and hit the blade away from her. She starts crying and goes into the feetle position, saying things like "Its all my fault" or "I deserve to die" I go up to her and hug her and tell her everything is alright, even though it isn't. I rock her and she digs her head into my chest, crying. We sit in the bathroom, and she falls asleep in my arms, tears still running down her face. I pick her up, bridal style, and set her on the bed. After a couple hours, she wakes up.

*Skylar's pov*
I don't remember anything except for waking up. I see Kian is sitting in a chair in my room, waiting for me to wake up. I look at him, and my eyes fill with tears again, threatening to fall. He comes up and sits with me on my bed and grabs my wrists. "Don't cry," He says softly. "How long have you been doing this?" He says looking at the deep cuts along my wrists. "Two years." I say, in between choked breaths. He cups his hands on my cheek, making me look up. "You have to promise to never cut anymore." I can only nod. "Promise?" "I promise." I say, forcing a smile.

Hey everyone! O2l_1992 here! I'm sorry this chapter is rubbish, but I tried, and I guess you could say I'm kind of proud of it. I have a little disclaimer: Skylar is not anyone in particular, she is a completely fictional character. I made her up in my mind and it's pretty crazy. Anyways, here are the lyrics for the next song.

I think the universe is on my side,
Heaven and earth have finally aligned, days are good and that's the way it should be. Also, I know this isn't a lot, but 52 reads! Yay! I love all of my fans, and I love everyone in general. Don't be a fan of mine, or do. Just remember ilyasm

BTW if I get some of these lyrics wrong, comment the real lyrics. Love you! ~ Kians wife

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