Chapter 9

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When I wake up, Kian is cuddling me, softly snoring. I look at him and kiss his nose. His eyes flutter open immediately and pull me into a long kiss. It was smooth and passionate. Soft. I pull back. "What was that for?" I ask. "Can I not give the best girlfriend the best kiss?" I nod my head. "Of course you can. But I'm hungry, so another time?" He pulls me in for another kiss. I lick his cheek and dart for the door. I make it out and run downstairs. I start squealing and run behind Connor. We've become really good friends and he has a new girlfriend that I'm really excited to me. I think her names Gabby? (In this, Connor and Trevor aren't gay.) I think she sounds sweet and Connor is really happy. "What?" Connor says alarmed. "The big fat meanie monster is gonna attack me!" I say, acting childish. "I'll save you!" Connor says, puffing his chest out. Kian comes running out and runs behind Connor. He picks me up and flips me over his shoulder. He runs to the living room and drops me on the couch. He jumps on the couch beside me . I jump on him and tackle him. He starts tickling me. I start laughing and telling him to stop because it hurt, but he keeps poking my sides. I finally grab his hands and wiggle away. I sit crisscross and he does the same, so our knees touch. "So, are you excited for your party baby?" I ask. "Why wouldn't I be? I'm going to an awesome party with the most awesome girlfriend." Kian says, and pecks my cheek. "Well, I was thinking, maybe I can meet some of your other friends? I mean, I have none so I figured th-" I get cut off. "Babe. Of course you can meet my friends, but some of them will probably be douchebags." "Okay yay!" I say. "Breakfast!" Connor yells to us. We go into the dining room and Kian sits down. I sit on his lap and he sets his hand on my thigh. I grab a plate and put scrambled eggs and bacon on it. Connor finally listened and made most of the bacon crispy, since he's the only person in the house that likes it chewy, other than Trevor, but he is hardly ever here. Kian hit my butt and made me get up. I move to the seat next to him and grab his hand. "Babe?" "Hm?" He says, looking up from his phone. "I, I'm scared. For the party." "Why would you be scared?" He says, looking in my eyes. "Well, I don't know anyone except for everyone in this house. What if nobody likes me?" "Babe, they'll love you. If they don't, too bad, because I love you." He kisses my hand. "Awe. So sappy." I say with a smile. We eat our breakfast and go for a walk. I put on my vans, a crop top with a pineapple on it, and high waisted denim shorts. Kian and I start walking, but I get tired because I don't exercise, so Kian gave me a piggyback ride. We go to Taco Bell and I get just a Baja Blast because we just ate, but Kian gets four tacos and Baja Blast. We start walking home when Kian drops something. A paper. "What's that?" I ask. "Uhh, nothing." He says, picking it up and putting it back in his pants pocket. Well that was weird. Oh well. I intertwine his hand with mine and set my head on his arm. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. When we get home, we run up to my room and sit on my bed. Kian sets the tacos down and I steal one. "What? You got four!" I say. "Well duh, I'm fat," he says patting his non-existent stomach. "Uh-huh." I take a bite out of the taco. "Ugh! You didn't get supreme." "Why would I get supreme? He asks, confused. "So it's not dry?" I say in a duh tone. "Nah." "Ugh. Fine." I say, pouting. I finish my taco. "Now leave." I say to Kian. "But why?" He says, sticking out his bottom lip. "So I can look pretty for you at the party." I say and stand up, trying to pull him off the bed, but failing. He stood up, and I fell. He helps me up and I kiss his still stuck out bottom lip. The kiss turns rough. I smirk through the kiss. "Later." I pull away and push him through the door. Through my door, Kian says "You look good no matter what. I love you." I lock my door and go into the bathroom. I undress and get ready to go into the shower. I put on my Christmas music, even though it's the middle of November. When I hop out, "Christmas Tree Feud" is playing. I bring my phone to my vanity and sing along as I put on my makeup. I straighten my hair and then curl it with my curling wand. After I curl my hair, I pick out an outfit. I wear a muscle tank that says "PERFECT...ISH" a black skater skirt and a red and blue flannel around my waist. I wear my black and white high-top converse and my glasses. Yes, I wear glasses. I get a Knock on my door. "It's almost time." Kian says. I unlock my door and open it. "Babe," Kian starts. "Yeah? Is there something wrong?" I ask, concerned. "No. Babe, you look hot." He eyes me. "Well, you don't look so bad yourself." I say with a wink. We hear a knock at the door. Kian and I go downstairs, our hands intertwined. We open the door and a girl, about my age came in. "Hi! I'm Jenn! It's nice to meet you!" She seems really nice. "Hi. I'm Skylar." I shake her hand. She walks in and immediately goes to the kitchen. A few minutes later the doorbell rings. Kian opens it and a bunch of people walk in. He opens the doors and runs to grab his swimsuit. I do the same. I run upstairs and throw on my black top and blue swim shorts that are made of body suit material. I cover back up and run downstairs. I see Kian from behind and jump on his back. "Hiya!" I yell laughing. Kian laughs and runs outside. I immediately can tell what he is doing and breathe in. I hold my breath as Kian jumps into the pool, taking me with him. I surface, and crawl on his shoulders. I look upside down at him and kiss his lips. "Hey babe," I whisper to him. "Let's play chicken." "Okay." He whispers back. "Hey, Jenn, come play chicken!" "Okay! But with who?" "I don't know, Jc! Come play chicken." "Okay!" He throws off his shirt and dives in. Jenn is in her bikini and walks in. She swims over to Jc and climbs in him shoulders. "Yeah! JcPenny!" I hear a couple people say. "Come on! I have a girlfriend düd!" Jc yells. We all laugh. Connor is our 'ref' "Alright! Ready, go!" Kian and Jc walk towards each other and Jenn and I begin our 'brawl'. Kian starts pushing Jc, and I finally push Jenn off. I throw my fists in the air and cheer. Jc pushes Kian and we both fall backwards, me into the water. I surface, and start laughing before I realize I still have my clothes on. I throw off my tank and throw it somewhere. I take my flannel and shorts off. My shoes are soaked so I set them at the edge of the pool. I sit on the stairs at the foot of the pool and Kian comes and sits by me too. "You liking the party?" "Yeah, but I only really know you guys. I just met Jenn, but I like her." "Well, why don't you guys hang out more?" "It's not that simple. God, I have being a girl." "Well, if you weren't a girl, I would have to have the best boyfriend ever. I don't want that. I love my beautiful girlfriend." "And I love my handsome boyfriend." I say with a laugh. "Oh, and I love you too." I say with a wink. He looks sad. "I'm joking babe! I'm surprised I have one boyfriend! I'll never get two!" "Yes you will. You'll forget all about me. You'll move on. I know it so I want to spend all my time with you. You're beautiful. You'll easily find someone better than me." He says quietly. I look at him, and see his eyes have tears in them. I kiss him long. "I don't care if freaking Theo James asks me out. I love you and only you. Only. You. I'm gonna go change." "I'll come with. I need to change too." We run upstairs and I go into my room, just to see Andrea and some guy I've never seen before. "Uhm, please get out!" I say, loudly. Andrea snaps her head to me. "Why?! Just so you can make out with this boyfriend too?" She yells. "Let's get out of here Daniel." She grabs his hand and walks out. He waves to me and smirks. I can feel him staring at my ass. I slam the door and grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I throw on an old pair of keds and walk out. I go downstairs and Kian is going to get a drink of some alcoholic beverage. I start walking before a cup is handed to me. I say no and walk away. I go into the kitchen and see Kian already buzzed. He's been down here for like five minutes! I go to an obviously spiked punch bowl and grab a red solo cup. I pour some of the beverage into the cup and down it. The alcohol burns down my throat. My first boyfriend, first time, first alcoholic drink. Am I gonna do everything with Kian? God I hope so. "Hey!" Kian yells, his words slurred. "Are you already drunk?" I ask him, yelling. "No baby!" He puts his arm around my waist and takes me upstairs. We go into Kians room. He starts kissing me and his breath smells of alcohol. He leaves sloppy kisses down my neck. He comes back up to my face and starts making out with me. He gets harder and I pull away. "Kian, stop." He tries taking off my clothes. "Kian, STOP." I say a little louder. He pushes me against a wall and tries to kiss me, but I keep turning away. "Kian, I said stop!" I smack his hand. "Well you're just a little bitch aren't you?" He says and goes to his bed. "You know what? I am. And you're a douche for ever getting drunk and turning the radio up and meeting me! My life was fine before you! Now I love you, and you're just gonna break my heart!" I start loud but end up talking to myself. I open his door and go into my room, locking the door so he can't come in. I run to my bathroom and grab the razor blade from under the sink. Goodbye 2 days free. I slide the blade across my wrist a few times and watch the blood pour. After a couple seconds, I wash the cuts and put bandaids on. I just sit in my room and cry. So fun, am I right?

Kians pov

I went downstairs about five minutes before Skylar comes down. I have already chugged only two drinks but I already feel buzzed. God damn I hate being an easy drunk. I drink two more when Skylar comes and already feel drunk. I walk over to her and put my arm on her waist. We said something, but I don't know what. I take her upstairs and start kissing her. I trail down her neck and come back up. I get harder, but she tells me to stop, but I'm not stopping now. I try taking off her pants, because she told me we were gonna do it tonight. She told me to stop again. This little bitch is a liar! She wants it just as much as I do. I push up against a wall but she denies me. "Kian,
I said stop!" I told her she was a bitch but I don't mean it. "You know what? I am. And you're a douche for ever getting drunk and turning the radio up and meeting me! My life was fine before you! Now I love you, and you're just gonna break my heart!" I hear her say, even though she was almost at a whisper. She runs out of my room and shuts her door. I was going to knock, but she locked it. She was clean! Now she's gonna cut and it is all my fault. The love of my life could die right now because of me! I run into my room and cry. I hope she feels better than I do, because I feel like a complete douchebag. She was depressed, and I was a douche that tried to do her unwillingly. I feel like a fuckboy. I loved her. I still love her. I will always love her. I text her:

K- I'm sorry.
S- Sorry doesn't cut it
K- I know. I wanna make it up to you. I know this is shitty, but can I come In and talk to you? The alcohol has worn off I promise.
S- Fine. Come in now though.
K- Okay.

I get up and walk into her room. Her eyes are red and puffy, and I know mine are too. I sit on her bed, crisscross, facing her. She sits up and sniffles. God, she is so cute. I look at her wrist and see bandaids. I grab her arm and look at her, tears spilling over. "I did this. I did this to you." I say crying lightly. "No Kian, you caused this. It was all my choice to do it or not. I did this to myself. You were just an accomplice." She says, crying also. I hug her and cry into her shoulder. I feel my shirt soaking with tears from her too. "I'm so sorry." I sob into her shoulder. "We always make up like this. Why?" She says, pulling away. "Because true love will find a way to always work out in the end. And I truly love you. Forever." "And I truly love you, too, but I want a night to think about this, okay? I'll be better in the morning, I just can't forgive you tonight, or at least right now." I only nod my head. "Goodnight." I hug her and when I get back to the room I text her an I love you.

Authors note

Hi loves ❤️ and I know this is long! I've worked on it for about 11 hours, and I'm proud of it! I will introduce our next winner (hopefully) in the next chapter. I got a little carried away in this one. I promise! They will (maybe) make up. Or break up. Which one?? Anyways, here's our next song:

Late nights, no dress code

She stay fly like jets go

Don't have no reasons, ain't got no M.O.

See her lifestyle stay bankrolled

But she work like it ain't though

Yeah, she might get ratchet

But she know, she bad though

Alrighty loves! Agh! Over 300 views! I love all my readers! You make this possible! I wrote two chapters in one night yay me! Well I love y'all! Long chapter I'm sorry! Love youuuu
~ Kian's wife ❤️☁️

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