Chapter 13

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Jc's pov (yassss)

After we park in the driveway at the house, I grab a couple boxes and stack them on top of each other, walking into the house. A couple seconds later, Kian and Skylar walk in carrying boxes also. I walk back out and see that Libby is still in the car. I walk over to her and crouch down to her eye level. "Hi. I'm Jc. What's your name?" I say with a smile. She looks at me. "Libby Rose Urie." She says quietly. "I love that name! Ive always wanted my name to be Rose." I whisper to her, and she giggles. "How old are you?" She asks me, happily. "Me? I'm 18." You say still smiling. "I'm seven years old!" She exclaims happily. "Seven?! You're old! Soon you're going to need a cane!" I say, making her giggle even more. "Lib?" I hear Skylar yell, and I stand up. "Sorry! I was talking to her." I apologize to Skylar. "You better be. Once you get Libby talking, there's no going back. You're screwed." She says, and I laugh at her. "Oh well. Her and my little sister would probably get along, I mean, they're around the same age." "Oh that'd be cool! Li'l tiny play date! Do do do do do!" She says in a sing-song voice and I laugh even more. I see Libby undo her seat belt and hop out. I shut the door behind her and start walking into the house. As I walk in, I start thinking about O2L and how, even though it ended, it's still a group, which led me to thinking about how Kian hasn't been posting much lately. Does Skylar not know about it? I decide to go upstairs and ask Kian, since, why not? I walk upstairs and burst into Kian's room without knocking, but yell as I see Kian and Skylar making out on his bed, Skylar straddling him. "Ahh!" You yell, and they pull away. "Jc! What the fuck?! Knock next time!" "Sorry dude, but could I talk to you? No offense, but, alone?" I look at Skylar and she nods, leaving the room and shutting the door. "Does Skylar know?" "About what?" Kian looks at me confused. "YouTube.
Everything." I say in a duh tone. "I don't think so, and I'm not gonna tell her." He says. "You have to tell her! Girls hate when you lie to them! You gotta." I look at him. "Well, I'm not. She likes me for me, not for my YouTube channel." He says, and you can tell he won't budge from that decision. He's stubborn like that. "That it?" He asks, obviously impatient. "I guess." I reply getting off of the bed and opening the door. Skylar is in her room putting boxes in. I take a box from her arms and shoo her away. "Thanks." She says. "No problem." I say as I raise my eyebrows and wink. She laughs and runs into his room.

Kians pov

Skylar walks into my room after getting Libby inside and shuts the door. I stand up off of my bed and kiss her, eager. She immediately kisses back and I throw my hands to her neck, deepening the kiss. Our mouths move in unison as our little make out session moves from the floor to the bed, and Sky straddles me. I stick my tongue in her mouth and she bites it, and I gasp. We keep kissing till we hear a yell. "Ahh!" I look up to see Jc. Sky gasps and stands up. "Jc! What the fuck! Knock next time!" I yell, mad because it was going great. "Sorry dude, but could I talk to you? No offense, but, alone?" Jc says and Skylar nods and shuts the door behind her. Jc immediately jumps into it. "Does Skylar know?" "About what?" I look at Jc confused. "YouTube. Everything." He says in a duh tone. "I don't think so, and I'm not gonna tell her." I reply. "You have to tell her! Girls hate when you lie to them! You gotta." I know he's right, but I still refuse. "Well, I'm not. She likes me for me, not for my YouTube channel." I say, and he can tell I won't budge from that decision. "That it?" I ask, getting impatient. "I guess." He replies, getting off of the bed and leaving the room. A few seconds later, Sky comes back in and immediately starts kissing me again. I laugh onto her mouth and push to the door, still kissing her, and locking it. I keep her against the door and keep kissing her, until she pulls away. "Hey babe. Libby." She says, looking at me sadly. "I know." I say sadly also. I unlock the door and go downstairs to help unload, but everything is in the house. I pick up two boxes and put them in Libby's new room. I come back down and see Libby just sitting on the couch, bored. I walk up to her and crouch down. "Hi!" I say with a smile. "What's your name?" She asks me. "Me? I'm Kian Robert Lawley. What's yours?" I ask, as she laughs at my middle name. "Are you laughing at my middle name?" I ask her. "Yeah." She says, still giggling. I stick my bottom lip out and quiver it while doing my best puppy dog eyes. She laughs even more. "I'm Libby Rose Urie." She says proudly. "Well, that's a funny middle name. Did you know, I always wanted my name to be Libby!" I say and she giggles like crazy, making me laugh. "Well, I gotta carry your sisters stuff upstairs. She has a whole bunch of stuff. Like a lot of stuff." I say loudly but end in a whisper. Libby smiles at me and I stand up and turn around, just to see Sky standing behind me. "I heard that." She says with a smile. "Well, then you should know. You," I poke her. "Have too much stuff." I smile at her and grab a box. Sky grabs one, and Libby comes over and grabs her suitcase. She carries that up the stairs after us and puts it in my room, because all Sky's and Libby's boxes filled hers. Jc goes downstairs, an Sky and I put all the boxes in the closet. We take the bed, tv stand, computer desk and dresser out of the room, leaving it completely empty so we can rearrange. We put Libby's bed back in the room, across from the bathroom. We put the tv stand in the corner by the door, but we put the dresser in my room for Skylar. We went to Target and Kmart with Lib and got two end tables and two lamps, and Sky a new vanity. We rearranged my room so Skylar could stay comfortably too. First, we took everything out. My bed, my computer desk with everything on it, my tv, my rug, and my end tables. We moved my bed in the middle on the back wall, Sky's dresser to the end of my bed, pressed against the wall on top of the rug, my computer stand in the corner by my bed, my end tables on either side of the bed, her vanity by the bathroom, and my tv stand on the wall across from my bed. When we finish rearranging my room, we grab Skylar's boxes and clothes out of Libby's closet and decorate. She put her clothes in her dresser and took her cork board, an put it on her side–the left side, by the door– above her vanity, and hung Polaroids up. We bought a new sheet/comforter set, all black with white pillowcases. She set picture frames of her and her friends on the end stand, when I notice there were only two people she was ever in pictures with. "Babe?" I ask. "Hmm?" She answers, putting a candle on her end stand. "Why do you only have two people you ever took pictures with?" I ask confused. "They were my only friends." She shrugs it off. "Okay." I say, but I intend to talk about it later. She put her jewelry box and makeup on the vanity and her other toiletries in the bathroom. We went into Lib's room and opened her boxes, taking out toys and books. We set her books in the tv stand and her toy box in the closet under all her newly placed clothing. After we set everything up, see ran and hugged Skylar. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaimed jumping up and down. "I've never had a bed this big!" She runs to the queen-sized bed, a big change from her twin. "Don't hug me! Hug Kian! He did this all." Skylar says an Libby runs to me. She runs to hugs me, but I scoop her up and give her a big hug. "Thank you!" Libby yells. "You're welcome!" I yell back, and we laugh together. I Squeeze her and put her down. "We should go downstairs, meet the other boys, yeah?" I say, and Sky nods. She grabs Libby's hand, but she comes to me. I crouch down and she jumps on my back, holding on to me for dear life. We walk down the stairs and I call the other boys into the room. I drop Libby on the couch and she laughs. Sky pushes Libby's legs and sits, and I lace my fingers with hers, sitting down. The guys all come in and when they see Libby, they become confused. "This is Sky's little sister, Libby. She'll be staying here for a while." I say with a smile. She introduces herself and everyone meets her, all smiles. "See, I told you they'd like her." I whisper in her ear, and kissing the side of her face. She giggles and pulls away, but I plant one more kiss on her before she pulls away. She's so pretty. I love this girl, and I'm glad she's mine. I put my arm around her and she leans into my side. After Libby meets everyone, I check my phone and see its 1:39 am. "We better get her to bed. It's 1:40." I say. "Am? Already?" She looks at me. "Yeah. Am. Already." I show her my phone. "Libby, it's time I go to bed now." I say to a curled up Libby, lying on the couch. I pick her up and carry her to her bed, and walk back downstairs to see Skylar lying on the couch too. I can tell she's pretending to sleep, so I pick her up, bridal style, and she stands back up laughing. I kiss her, and she jumps on me like a forwards piggy back ride and wraps her arms around my neck, while I support her by grabbing onto her wrapped around legs. She sets her head on my shoulder, so I "accidentally" touch her butt. She pulls back and I take my chance to kiss her. I'm pretty sure she was surprised, but she kissed back anyways, her hands on my neck, pulling us in. I stop kissing so I can walk up the stairs, but Sky keeps kissing my neck, making it hard to do anything. We finally get into my room after what seems like an eternity, and lock the door, making sure it's locked. We go to our bed, and I turn around falling on the bed. We pull away, letting go of our breath, but pulling in again quickly after. We end up on the bed, but I don't want to seem like just a boy toy, so I refuse. I pull away. "Let's wait." I say. "For what? We've already done it before. What's the difference?" She asks. "I just don't want to tonight." That was a lie but I didn't want to tell her the real reason and have her get mad at me. She sighs and goes under the blankets. "Night." She says, and I can tell she's mad. "Babe, don't be mad." I say quietly. "I'm not mad." She says, rolling over to face me, arms crossed. "Your arms are crossed." I say, pointing it out. She immediately uncrosses them, and we sit up. We sit across from each other, knees touching. "So, about earlier. I asked you why you took pictures with only them." "Mmhmm." She says nodding. "And you said they were your only friends. Why?" I ask, sincerely wondering. "Well, they were." She says, suddenly quieter. "Well, yeah, but why? You're so beautiful. You're so sweet. You're perfect. Why didn't you have friends or boyfriends left and right?" I ask. "Uh, let's see." She says, holding up fingers. One. "Well, I'm not 'beautiful'." Two. "People called me a slut or a whore." Three. "Because I was just nothing. Nobody." Four. "I used to cut, so I was automatically considered emo and psycho." She says, with tears in her eyes. I imitate her fingers. One. "You are beautiful. You're more than beautiful. You're perfect." I say, meaning every word of it. Two. "Don't pay attention to them. They're all d-bags anyways." Three. "You aren't a nobody. You're a somebody. My special somebody." I say choking up. Four. "I don't care if you cut and nobody else should be in your business. You're perfect. I promise." I say, and see that tears are streaming freely down both our faces. "I love you." I say, choked up. "I love you too, Kian." She replies, and looks up at me. I look at my phone. "It's 2:12. So..." I look at her. "So...?" She asks. "Fuck it. I don't care anymore. I want to." I say, and she looks at me, eyes wide. "Good. Bec-" I cut her off by slamming my lips on hers. She gets taken aback, and almost falls off the bed, but I pull her closer to me. I lie down on the bed and she straddles me, going back in to kiss immediately. She pulls my shirt off and I take hers off as well, and pull a condom out of my end stand and the rest of last night was history.

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