"Only me!" I announced.

"Yeah, 'cause you were the only one left on the entire train!" Al reminded me, at the same time as Dad started to ask where I'd been.

"I fell asleep," I replied lamely, realising that the only person that knew I hadn't been asleep – Al – was actually standing on the platform raising an eyebrow at me. Talk about bad timing. Dad nodded in disbelief, but luckily Hugo started to whine before he could say anything.

"Rose's here now, can we go home? Louis took my Death Eater cards and I need to get them off him before he decides to keep them!"

Dad gave Hugo a weird look. "I've told you what I think about those cards, Hugh," he reminded him. "But yeah, let's go, now that we've been graced with Rose's presence," he said sarcastically, catching my arm. My heart sank. The entire sorry tale was going to come out before the end of the holiday, I could just tell.

"Rosie." I saw Al stop to listen, but a quick glance moved him on. "What's up with you? Last off the train and you look really shifty. I might be a little unobservant-" I had to consciously withhold a snort of laughter, "-but even I noticed that."

I shook him off cheerfully. "Nothing. I was asleep, I told you! And then I thought I'd lost something, so I had to unpack my whole trunk to check that I hadn't left it when I moved compartments, and-"

He evidently wasn't buying it, and I wasn't sure I blamed him. "I'll see you in the car!" I smiled brightly and hurried through the barrier, where Al was waiting to interrogate me. I pretended I hadn't seen him, and caught up with Lily to have a chat about Lorcan Scamander. Dad seemed quite pissed off when he got into the car, but I tried not to dwell on it. I had more than enough to dwell on.

                    Not soon enough, we pulled up outside the Burrow. Al and James had had an argument that started with Quidditch and ended with "I swear I didn't know you liked her, ok?!", and the entire car was subdued. Dad was clearly angry, probably with me and also maybe with the Potter boys because in the middle of their argument he'd become distracted and swerved into a dustbin, so now there was a dent in his car. Hugo was moody because he was fourteen. Lily was now fed up because James had accidentally given her a black eye, which, amongst other things, "didn't match her Christmas jumper". Al wasn't speaking to James on account of James having kissed Eliza Bones at Halloween. I felt mildly sick, which I'd put down to travelling and also carrying such a huge amount of regret. James was pissed off because Al had confessed to being the one to rip his Cannons robes the other day. The tension in the car seemed palpable.

I got out quickly and hurried into the house, leaving Dad to struggle with my trunk. Retrospectively, I imagined that would irritate him further.

I headed up to the bedroom that I shared with Dom. Since we seemed to be at Nana and Granddad's house more than our own, especially during Christmas, all the bedrooms had been handed down to us, because all of their ex-occupants could just apparate home after a glass of wine. Dom and I had gently forced Granddad to have the attic cleared and the ghoul tactfully removed so that we could sleep there, because obviously we had so much important business to privately discuss all the time. Lily and Roxy shared Dad's old room, and James, Al and Fred were in Aunty Ginny's, which I think she was a little put out about. Louis and Hugo had taken Uncle George's old bedroom, although I thought that a little risky – Mum had some horror stories about the prototypes for the joke shop, and they'd all been designed in that bedroom before Uncle George had really pushed the business forwards, a couple of years after his brother died.  Victoire, and often Teddy, slept in Uncle Bill's bedroom. He'd have been furious if he had any idea what usually went on in there, but the poor man was quite naïve sometimes.

The Diary Of Rose Weasley- Sixth Year And PregnantWhere stories live. Discover now