Chapter 42

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JJ Pov 

Thousands of fans left devastated when union j cancel the second half of there world tour.  The heder on the article read. I shook my head and began to read the full article on sugerscape. 

"Union J announced earlier this week that the second half of the world tour has been cancelled and didnt announce if it will happen in the future. The union j article was published by there management and was send out to all the fans via there fan newsletter. The main question is why? nobody has spotted union j together in a few weeks and they have cancelled all there magazines and tv appearances. The four boys haven't even been tweeting or updating any of there online accounts. 

Is this the end of union j? "

The question  "is this the end of union j" played on my mind as i closed the article not been able to read anymore. I didn't even know the answer to question and i was in the band. After alot talks we cancelled the second half of world tour because George really was not able to do it and non of us have seen Josh yet. 

I dont know what will happen when we do see him again, and it worries me that everything will kick of, there is to many emotions involved in this situation to know what is going to happen.  One thing for sure George and Josh could not go on stage together and smile for the fans. Everybody knows that something would happen that would mean the whole world would know what is happening. Eventually everything will come out, Josh is Daisys dad and he isnt going to hid that forever. 

I decided that i would go on twitter to see how everyone are taking the news, and maybe send a tweet to atleast let the fans know we are all still alive. I haven't been on twitter for atleast a week and i didnt realize untill i read in the article about it, everything has just been hetic and ive worried about George to much to remember to keep pretending everything is ok for our fans.  

When i went online it was worse than i thought we were trending world wide with our name and the hash tag #PleaseDontSplitUj was trending to. I clicked on the hashtag and my heart shattered reading some of the tweets. 

@Jcat4567 Please dont split up, i love you always

@Jcat12 If union j split up i will be heartbroken 

@Jcat_09 If union j split i dont think i can carry on they saved me and i need them in my life for the strength to carry on 

@Jcat0456 Union J you taught me to never give up, so please dont give up yourself we need you

@Jcat567 I saw union j 6weeks ago, how can this happen they were so happy, i dont want the band to break up i will be lost without them 

@Jcat56 im heartbroken 

Were just a few tweets i read. It was horrible, to see i know how fans act when a band broke up i saw everything when Jls split up and i dont want that for our fans. They give us the strength to carry on and i know we help them to, i don't want them being heartbroken because of Josh's mistake. 

I dont want my career to end. I don't want Union J to end. 

But if its for the best that will have to happen and i hope that  in the  end the fans will understand that it wasnt a easy decision and we didnt want it to happen. 

I have given up because i dont think George can forgive Josh and i dont blame him, so im mentally preparing myslef forour band to break up. 

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