chapter 12

490 12 2

George Pov

I couldnt take anymore Holly wasn't answering the phone.I haven't spoke or seen Daisy for 3 days and it was driving me crazy. I missed her all I wanted to do is lock myself away and cry but I knew if I was going to see Daisy again I needed to act fast. I never thought Holly would take Daisy away from me but she isnt answering the phone and im starting to believe im never going to see her again.

I have rang the loyar as soon as i woke up and i have an appointment to meet him at 10am. I didnt want to get legal help, i thought i would be able to cope and handle this alone but i need help. Josh is right we carnt handle this alone and now Holly is refusing to speak i have no other choice.

I hope non of the magazines or papers notice what is happening. I don't want this to be plastered all over the Internet and in magazines this is private. It kills me knowing what is happening i don't want other people to find out. I still haven't told my mum or dad what is happening i can't bring myself to do it, it is going to kill them finding out that Daisy might not be there gradaughter they adore her. I have got a meeting later with management i will have to tell them what is happening because i carnt go to the meetings i need to find Daisy. I also need to tell JJ and Jaymi i fell bad Josh knew before them but it was because he found me crying and he hasn't left my side since.

I had a quick shower, i haven't had a shower in 3days and i feel disgusting and must smell. I didnt want to give the loyar the impression i am falling apart i am a man and should be able to cope but its not that easy. Inside i am a complete mess. Once i got out the shower i left my hair to dry naturally not really caring about my appearance, plus it just goes wavy when i leave it and grabbed my hype top and jeans and went downstairs to meet Josh he is coming with me so i don't have to be alone.

*You ready*

*Not really let me try one more time, i really don't want to go down the legal route we should beable to sort this* I said shaking my head and grabbing my phone, i clicked on *Baby* i still need to change the name back to Holly but i carnt bring myself to do it. After 2 rings the phone went silent. Meaning holly had choose to ignore the phone again for the 10th time this morning.

I grabbed my keys of the side and walked out the house, Josh quickly followed behind me i slammed the front door. Im getting angry now Holly should answer the phone she carnt do this to me. I quickly locked the door and stormed of towards my car. Once i got to the car josh shouted my name.

*What Josh* i snapped

*I should drive your in no fit state to be driving*

*Dont tell me im in no state im driving you coming or not* I shouted and got in the car and started it up. Josh quickly got into the car before i drove without him.

After a few minutes of silence i realised i shouldn't of rose my voice at josh i knew he was only saying it for my safety. I know im in no state to be driving but i just need to do something keep myself occupied hoping to distract myself from my thoughts. Plus if we went in Josh's car everyone would notice it. I rarely use this car and not had it long so not many fans can recognize it.

*Sorry Josh i shouldn't of snapped*

*Its ok mate i understand you sure you dont want me to drive*

*No its ok i want to*

The rest of the car journey we both stayed silent. The car drive didnt distract me from my thoughts it made me think more. I just wanted to see Daisy. I pulled up in the Private car park and was thankful there was nobody around so i wouldn't get spotted going in otherwise the papers would come up with loads of shit and i don't want the stress of that aswell.

Once we got inside the offices the receptionist took me inside but Josh had to stay in the waiting room because of confidentiality.

*Hello Mr Shelley what can i help you with today* Scott my loyar said.

*Please call me George*

Scott nodded his head. And i knew that was my que to speak i didn't want say it out loud again the more i said it the more it becomes reality but i knew i had to.

*Holly has took Daisy and she might not be mine* I said quickly scrambling for my words.Scott looked shocked for a minute but managed to cover it up.

*How long has she been gone*

*3days, but she wont answer her phone im worried im never going to see Daisy again*

Josh Pov

I sat outside nervous, i wanted to be in there with George to support him but i understood why i couldn't. I sat reading all the bits on the walls about courts, there rates of winning cases. I was struggling to entertain myself i was to worried. I was starting to miss Daisy and it only hit me when i walked into the loyars building that i might not see her again, she was close to me and all the boys we all adore her. She was part of our daily life's when she lived on the tour bus with us, i really hope Scott can do something to help George.

80 reads = update

only reason ive uped the reads before i update is because your reaching 70reads within 24hours and its not giving me enough time to write the next chapter :P

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