Chapter 15

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George Pov

JJ and Jaymi left, Jaymi is convinced he is going to find Holly with Daisy. Josh stopped behind and i curled up on the sofa and softly cried to myself. I didn't think it was possible to cry so much. Josh flicked on the tv and i ignored it until i heard my name. I jumped up and looked at the tv.

*George Shelley and Josh cuthbert found crying outside the lawyers office* The news reporter announced and the stroy went off. I looked at Josh and he shook his head and picked up the remote and changed the channel. I didnt want to know what storys have been made up so i got up from the sofa and dragged myself into my room.

Josh Pov

After hearing our names on the news i had to know what story they had come up with. George went upstairs and i knew he needed alone time so i didnt speak and let him go. I typed George shelley and Josh cuthbert into google and clicked most recent. The first thing that come up was a article in the sun newspaper. I quickly opened it and i was shocked as i read the article.

*George Shelley is leaving Union J* Was the header

*Yesterday George Shelleys car was followed by paparazzi after no sighting of the boyband member for days. He went into the loyars offices with Josh Cuthbert and was seen running out of the offices 1 hour later.

After speaking to insiders they announced George Shelley wants to leave Union J. This is shocking news and unexpected. The boy band are half way through the world tour* After reading the bit of the smaller writing i chucked my phone at the sofa. How can reporters come up with something so random and crazy.

I knew all the fans would be freaking out and be heartbroken. I didn't want George seeing the reports it would upset him further if he knew his fans were getting affected by the story. I didn't know what to do but i know i need to stop the story and tell everyone the band is not breaking up but i don't what eveyrone to know the truth. I want to protect George and Daisy.

After a few minutes i picked up my phone and looked on twitter there were three trending topics over us #WeLoveYouGeorge #DontBreakUp #WeLoveUnionJ i clicked on #DontBreakUp and read a few of the tweets

@GeorgesLittleMonkey - i carnt cope if they split up they mean the world to me

@LoveUnionJs - It carnt be happening im heartbroken

@Jcat1245 - IF the boyband go i have nothing left to live for

@Jcat097 Im so upset, ive cried for hours how can this be happening

@Joshsmonkey - Seeing George upset has broken my heart, i carnt cope they need stay together

I knew this needed stopping now. Our fans are heartbroken and upset and its not the truth. I rang management and explain everything, i knew George should have told them about Daisy but this needed stopping and soon. This is affecting our fans and i don't want to see/ hear them upset and hurt.

Management have told me they are going to sort everything and ring back within 30minutes to tell me what we will have to do.

(ALL THE @ NAMES ARE MADE UP!!! sorry if i used your by mistake :) 70reads= update) 

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