chapter 19

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George pov

It has been a week since I last saw Daisy. I still try everyday to ring holly but she is still ignoring my calls. I have tryed searching all her family and friends houses  but no one had seen or heard from her.

Jaymi went looking for Holly for nearly 48hours but ended up coming home because he realised it was a impossible task and he was knackered. He was still looking for her closer to home. Josh hadnt left my side and I was grateful I needed my friends.He had practically moved in mine.

I haven't been on twitter or any social network since Daisy went. Management were tweeting for me so the fans wouldn't worry. I knew the story that the press posted and it was ridiculous I just hope the fans believe management over the press. Even when im stressed and down I hate to know my fans are down or upset, that is why I haven't let this story slip I didn't want to worry them and I wanted to protect Daisy.

my phone rang on the bedside table I quickly moved in bed to grab it hoping to see Holly's name.I finally changed her name last night. I looked at the screen and groaned it was management.

*George I hope everything is ok ive got some bad news*

*what*  i grumbled into the phone. What do they want know i just want to look for Daisy, i wish they would leave me alone for 2minutes, i thought to myself. 

*You have  got to do a press interview,the story's are still spiraling about you leaving the band*

*is there no other way* I didnt think I would be able to cope. I couldn't go 1hour without thinking about Daisy and breaking down.How was i suppose to stand in front of loads of press and pretend  everything is oright.

*Im sorry george it is, we have tryed tweeting, giving a full report but the story's are still spiralling and your fans are heartbroken  and im worried about them all*

*I will have to do it for the fans*

*sorry again George, I will see you tomorrow at 9am at the offices , the interview will be about 10*

*ok bye* I mumbled and put the phone down.

I didnt know how I was going to cope. One look and the fans will know something is wrong,sometimes I think they know me better than I know myself.

I have got to lie to the fans,management have told everyone I was at the lawyers because I had papers sign about the rest of the tour, and I was upset because I had a stressful day. I knew why the fans wernt believing it if that was about my idiol I wouldn't believe it but I didn't want millions of worrying teenagers I was doing this to protect them and daisy. I didn't care about myself anymore I just wanted Daisy back and find out if she is my daughter and protect my fans about the truth, it would kill them knowing my whole world was falling apart. 

Daddy George?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu