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Shayne's POV

Sad to say...but this is the finale chapter guys (ToT)

I didn't want to cry.. But I did anyways. I can believe he would do this to me. Its not the first my heart has been stepped on though.

I quickly ran from where I saw the 2 and quickly tried to exit. I say tried because a bunch of people tried to stop me to ask what wrong like the Bella's,Paige,Sasha, The New Day, Enzo, Roman, and even Seth"

I just ignored them making my way outside. I leaned on the wall for a couple of seconds wiping my tears. I loved him...I know its only been 3 months but I actually did love that son of a bitch. I was more pissed at Renee though. She stabbed me in the back...again!

First she talked shit about me, then she throws herself at him.

I thought we have forgiven each other for me stealing her Man and for her taking shit about me and my daughter.

I sighed and looked down at my purse. "Keys..." I pulled them out looking around quickly running to Dean's car.

I quickly unlocked in and got in speeding away. I know I shouldnt be steering on ice but I don't care I just wanna be alone.

With one hand I took off my earrings before throwing them in the cupholder. I wiped all my runny makeup with my white fur jacket. And for some reason there were blonde hairs all over me. I swear I hate this stupid dress. I tried wiping some off not even looking ahead to see where the hell I'm going.


I looked up to see I was in the wrong line and a big semi truck was coming towards me.

I tried to steer out the way but that didn't work so I stepped n the brakes but it was too late I had slipped on ice, the car started tumbling down a snowy hill causing me to bump my head on the roof of the car multiple times.

I groans and before I knew it every was black.

Dean's POV

I quickly went to get the security tape before finding Seth and Ro.

"I need you guys help...again" I said. They looked at each other. "What? Need us to comb your hair?" Seth slurred. These motherfuckers are drunk. Roman laughed and nudged Seth.

"Guys" I groaned

"Better yet how bout we carry you to your bus, your highness"  Roman laughed along with Seth.

"Guys! This is serious its about Shayne... I can't find her anywhere!" I yelled. Causing some people to look at me. "What the fuck you lookin at!?" I yelled again.

"Woah, Woah, Woah Shyane? Seth said looking down at Leah. She was playing with Lannah with Galina played with Joelle besides her.

"YES! I need y'all to help me find her!" I nearly turned red at how coy they were acting. "Alright...Alright man calm down we'll help." Roman patted my shoulders. "We'll meet you guys on the buses" Seth said kissing Lannah on her forehead.

Just the sight of Alannah reminds me of Shayne which makes me even more worried. "Okay see ya later" Galina didn't even look up.

I quickly walked out the building again but this time Seth and Ro were at tow. Roman unlocked his car before tossing his keys to me. "I'm drunk" he chuckled.

My Girlfriend's Bestfriend: Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now