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Dean's POV

I waited for my theme song to play before heading out to the ramp. The fans just love them some Dean Ambrose (I know I do)

I shook my wet hair before twitching my lip. I walked down the ramp where I was met by Kofi Kingston, Big E, and Roman, my partner for the night.

I entered the ring before doing a shoulder roll. Next thing we knew the bell rung.

Roman and Big E were starting off the match. I just held onto the ropes looking around into the audience and then I saw her. Shayne sitting there front row holding Lannah in her lap.

I smiled slightly and waved when suddenly I felt myself get slapped on the arm.

Roman tagged me in. I slowly got into the ring smirking at Kofi. He gave a look before trying to attack me but I blocked all his shots and began hitting him with rights.

He fell to the ground and got down on one knee and began punching his face. I finally stopped and climbed the top rope waiting for him to get up. He finally did so I went for the elbow drop but he rolled out the way causing me to hit the mat and do a summersault.

Once I got up and looked at Kofi I felt a kick to the face. I fell to the mat on my back reaching for Roman. But I didn't make it in time big e hit me with a suplex after suplex until I couldn't even feel my ass anymore.

Thoughts of Renee and Sami began to pop into my mind and that just pissed me off more. I was pissed off because I was getting my ass beat but now I'm enraged.

'I am pissed off, and I'm in one of my moods, so you're all screwed!!'

I thought to myself as I began to fight Big E back. I close lined him out the ring before running and laughing myself through the ropes. Suicide dive, baby.

I growled and pulled Big E up throwing him back into the ring.

'This is why I am the titty master'

I smirked to myself before kicking him in the gut and running to hit Kofi but he moved out the way causing me to fall over the top Rope.

Once Kofi turned around Roman hit him with a 'superman punch'

I shook my head, shaking off the pain before getting back in the ring.

I picked up Big E and hit him with 'Dirty Deeds' and pinned him. "1..2..3!"

Roman and my hands were raised into the air. "Titty Master" Roman whispered causing me to smirk. "That's right"

After Monday Night Raw

I grabbed my bags and headed for the Exit. And there she was waiting for me...Renee. "You didn't have to wait for me" I snarled walking past her. "We always wait for each other" she whined.

"Look Dean, I'm sorry alright" she said. I'll give you something to be sorry about. Play along Jon..Play along.

"I'm sorry too, Nae" she smiled and kissed me. Once she pulled away, I wiped my lips. She really needs ChapStick. The dry lips are like glass cutters shit!

She walked into the bus with me following. "Hey Shayne...Hey you" she said in a baby voice to Alannah.

She walked into the our room and I followed.

'All part of the plan'

I said following her into the room. I placed my hands on her hips. "Let's have fun, baby" I whispered in her ear. She giggled. "Baby...I can't, I promised The Twins I'd go out with then and the other women tonight she said slipping on a tight red dress.

I groaned and pouted. "I didn't know they were more important than me" I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest.

"They aren't... I just need some girl time" she patted my chest. "Girl time" I groaned. "This is the 4th time this week" I stomped acting like a 2 year old.

"Oh stop it" she laughed before grabbing her purse. "Okay if you're going out with the girls..why don't you ask Shayne if she wants to go?" I questioned.

"Uhhh...she can't!" She stumbled. "Why not?" I raised one brow. "She has to uh...take care of Alannah!" She lied. "I can just do that" I smirked. "She just can't come, besides the bellas don't like her anyway." That was another lie the bellas loved Shayne and Alannah.

"Oh...alright" I said playing along. "Have fun" I said smiling. "I-I will" she nervously laughed before walking out the room and out the bus.

"Alright boys, she's gone" I said as Roman appeared with a camera and Seth stepped out with his phone recording.

"We shall follow her" Roman said walking out my room and out the bus as we followed.

Time to bust Renee's ass.

My Girlfriend's Bestfriend: Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now