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3 weeks later
Monday night raw
Roman's POV

So Dean's plan is in action. I followed Renee around the whole Arena and recorded everything. I try to keep a distance though because I don't want her knowing.

I pulled out my phone as she talked to Nikki Bella.

"Are you and Shayne having fun partying together?"

"Oh yea...but I don't know if I want her to travel with us anymore, at first I thought it would be a good idea to catch up but I just realized its not"

"Why is that?"

"She's boring...she does nothing but stay in the bus all day...every time I ask her to go out she says she can't and im getting tired of it...plus ever since she got here Dean has been less affectionate"

"Well why don't you just go to Sami or Hunter?...fucking the bosses husband is so bad though... You might get caught"

"Oh please"

"On to the next topic..Alannah she's such a cutie"

"Yea I thought that too...now I just wanna throw her out the window, she gets so annoying 'Aunty Renee' this 'Aunty Renee' that"

"How could you say that?"

"Don't get me wrong Nicki...she's adorable and I love her...but she just needs to learn how to shut up!"

That's all I needed to hear...I smirked and stopped recording. Not only is she messing with Sami Zayn but Triple H too.

That is what you call Major Hoe (Sorry Renee Young...I love you, Really)

I walked back to my locker room. I feel like a fucking spy doing all this secretive shit. Now its Seth's turn.

Seth's POV

I don't even know why I'm doing this stupid plan in the first place. Dean and I hate each other. Eh.

I walked down the hallway to find Sami. I finally found him, holding flowers?

I walked over slyly and tapped him. "Awwww are those for me?" I said in a fake 'aw' tone. Sami chuckled and shook his head. "No, No Seth...these are for Renee Young" he smiled.

I raised my eyebrows. "What does she have that I- did you say Renee Young?"

He laughed again and nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken..." I looked around and saw that the hall was empty, just me and him. "Isn't Renee dating...Dean Ambrose?" I smirked plucking a flower from the bouquet.

"Yea don't tell anyone..." He looked around. "But me and Renee have been seeing each other for 9 months now" I chuckled and patted his back. "My man, My man" I smiled but once he turned away I gave a annoyed looked before he turned to face me again causing me to smile again.

"So uh, you guys date?" I asked. "Oh no...something like Friends with benefits type thing" he corrected.

"If its friends with benefits... Then why are you giving her flowers?" I glanced at the flowers then back at him. "I thought the whole point of it was for sex and sex only?" I added.

"Yea I know, but I think I'm starting to have yknow feeling for her...I plan telling her tonight at dinner, reservations at Olive Garden" he chuckled. "Any advice you wanna give me"

"Get better flowers..." I mumbled. "I meannnnn don't sweat as much you'll look like a wet froot loop" I chuckled.

"Well man nice talking to ya" I waved and started to walked away. "Hey Seth" I turned to face Sami again. "I'm guessing since you don't like Dean you won't be telling him, will you?" He asked.

I shook my head walking back up to him chuckling. "No, of course not" I patted his shoulder.

"But Sami, one more thing"


I snatched the flowers away from him, threw them on the groud and stomped on them before walking away again. Heh Heh Heh

I stopped the voice recorder on my phone before heading to Dean.


P.s No one ever reads these ANs

My Girlfriend's Bestfriend: Dean AmbroseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat