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Shayne's POV

I sat front row with Alannah in my lap. We watched as Cesaro and Sami Zayn fought in the ring. Tonight decided she wanted to wear a Dean Ambrose shirt? She told me how Dean took her to skyzone and gave ice cream. I think Dean is so sweet. Just the thought of him makes me blush.

Sami Zayn ended up winning the match...next match Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins, main event. Dean's music started to play and Alannah started screaming and held up her sign that Her and Renee made earlier. He finally made it to the ring pacing as Seth's music played. Alannah cheered as her dad entered the ring. "Go Daddy!" She yelled over the music. Which one is it Alannah?

The bell rung and they both locked forearms. Seth ended up pushing Dean into the turnbuckle making the ref count to 4 before he let go. Dean chuckled as he shook his wrists before locking for arms again. This time Dean ended up taking down Seth. Dean quickly put Seth in a sleeper hold but seth wouldn't give up. He fought out of it before throwing Dean into the ropes. Dean ran towards him taking Seth down with a shoulder block.

Seth banged the mat as Dean ran into the rope jumping over him, Seth stood up and did a leapfrog over Dean. When he ran back Seth drop kicked him in the face.

"No!" Alannah moaned covering her eyes.

Seth went for the cover but, Dean kicked out at 1. Seth picked Dean up into a powbomb position before running and throwing Dean into the turnbuckle.

Dean bounced off the turnbuckle and hit Seth with 'Dirty Deeds' the crowd erupted into cheers as Dean pinned Seth. "1..2.." Seth kicked out.

Dean gave a frustrated look before picking Seth and close lining him out the ring. Dean looked back at the ropes then at Seth before running against the rope and doing a suicide diving only for Seth to out the way causing Dean to hit the barricade. Seth slowly stood up and walked off the pain he was in. He walked in front of Alannah smiled softly before trying to kiss her forehead but Dean grabbed a handful of Seth's hair throwing him back into the ring. Alannah cheered and clapped as Dean beat the hell out of Seth.

Dean climbed the top rope and waited for Seth to get up. Once her did Dean tried to hit him with an elbow but Seth kicked him in the gut before hitting him with a 'pedigree' .I've always hated how he got rid of the 'curb stop' for that, but hey. Seth pinned Dean, "1..2..3!" The bell rang as Seth's music played. "Here's your winner, SETH ROLLINS"

Seth rolled out the ring all sweaty before walking over to me and Alannah. He smiled and picked her up. "I love you..." He said to me before walking back to the ring with Alannah.

While Seth was turned away on top of the turnbuckle Dean whispered something to Alannah causing her to get out the ring. She ran over to me. She held my hand looking back at the ring.

Once Seth turned and looked for Alannah, Dean kicked him in the gut and hit him with 'Dirty Deeds' the crowd cheered as Dean started beating on his chest. I have to admit that was super funny...he didn't even see it Coming.

Alannah ran back into the ring only for Dean to scoop her up placing Many kisses on he cheek.

He would be a great father.


"What did he say to you?" Renee asked following me onto the bus. She was followed by Dean with Alannah in his arms. "I don't wanna talk about it" I mumbled. How can seth love me if we haven't seen each other in 3 years. "I understand... But I'm you bestfriend... You can tell me anything" she said following me into my room. "He said he loved me" I whisper as I took my Jacket off.

"Fo really?" She said sitting in my bed. I chuckled at her slang. "Fo really" I nodded. "Well how do you feel about that?" She asked as I sat beside her. "I feel like I wanna punch the shit outta him-" "Dean can do it for you" she interrupted. I giggled at her. "If he loved me then why would he leave me while I'm pregnant with OUR baby....it takes 2 to tango" I shook my head getting angry. "Hey, Calm down hulk" she giggled. "If I were you I'd stay away from him..only if he wants to see Alannah that's when he can come near you." She patted my back. "Don't go back to that slimy sleezeball" she gagged causing me to laugh a little.

"That slimy sleezeball is my babydaddy"

I actually enjoyed making that match scene (^.^)...feedback needed!- Alli

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