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Dean's POV

I walked into the gym to see Roman. "Ah, just the man I wanted to see" I took off my shirt and began to do pushups along side with him. "Wassup, bro" he said pushing himself up. "What makes you- I slept with Shayne" I got straight to the point.

He fell onto the ground shocked. He sat down on the floor. "You what?" He panted. "I slept with Shayne... And let me tell you... I was the best sex I've ever had" I sighed remember it. "What about Renee?" He asked sipping his water as I continued to do pushups.

"That's the thing...she's been fucking Sami Zayn since October of last year...the same year we started dating" I growled. "What really pisses me off is that she made me earn her god damn trust!" I stopped doing pushups and looked at Roman. He looked amused.

"Dude, this is not-" I chucked my shirt at him. "Funny" which caused him to laugh. "She really fucked up..." He finally wiped his tears.

I rolled my eyes. "How do you know about this?" He finally asked breaking he silence. "She butt dialed me earlier today...she was telling Shayne about it" I sighed. "Hey, I guess you guys are even now" he shrugged.

"No, No were not even she's been fucking that red headed fuckface for almost a year and I'm just now finding out about it" I did pull ups on a bar near by. Roman nodded.

"So here's my plan-" "you always have a plan" Roman interrupted. "Damn right, anyways the plan is I'm gonna act like I don't know about this whole relationship shit with Sami and right when she least expects it...BAM! catch her in the act" I smirked.

"Yea? And how you gonna do that?" Roman raised his brows.

"With the help of you...and Rollins"


"Why would I help you?" Seth scoffed. "Think about all the things I did for you when we were in the shield" I said. "Oh yea? Like?" he faced me. "Uhhh...like that time when I distracted the ref so you wouldn't get pinned by CM Punk. Hm?" I smirked.

"That was Roman" Seth rolled his eyes walking away. "Shit" I mumbled following him.

"Seth come on, Brotha" I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "As much as I hate you, you'll always be my brotha...we were indestructible together" I tried convincing him.

He looked like he was thinking. "And after this is all done...you can go back to being the Slimy, Sleazy, backstabbing Scumbag you are" I said in a convincing tone.

"Alright fine!" He said giving in. "Yes! Thanks I owe you one" I slapped his bare back as hard as I could before running off.

"Owwww!!" I heard him yell. I chuckled shaking my head.

Woof another short chapter I know!....PLEASE don't kill me!!! Xoxo (ノ^o^)ノ-Alli

My Girlfriend's Bestfriend: Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now