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Shayne's POV

Renee ran inside my house in Canada. "Momma, look with Renee found!" I tugged on my Momma's shirt as she talked to Renee's mother.

"What is it, babygirl?" Momma asked looking down at 9 year olds.

"A shiny rock!" A toothless Renee grinned. "Oh Renee baby..its so beautiful." Renee's mother beamed.

"She found it by the swings in the backyard" I beamed staring at the rock in amazement.

"Wow...girls why don't you little ladies go play in Shaynes room." Momma said smiling.

"Okay!" Renee dragged me to my room. Shutting the door and fixing her overalls.

"How bout we color" she move her blonde locks out her face falling to her knees and grabbing all my crayons.

"Okay!" I fell to my knees also and grabbed all my coloring books. She pulled out a green crayon. She began to scribble into the books.

"Hey watch this" Renee stood up and scribbled on the wall. I stood up and walked over to her. "Nae! What are you doin'?" I asked her.

"Were gonna get it" I warned. "Loosen up Shayne" she said grabbing a blue crayon and began to scribble some more on the wall.

I looked at the red crayon in my hand. "Eh" I scribbled on the wall along with her, laughing.

Hours later

Renee and I had scribbled on the wall with every color in the crayon box.

"Ill see you lat-" Renee's mother stared at the wall then at us with crayons in our hands.

"Janae!! Come here" She giggled. "Girl, what is i-" Momma stared at the walk then at us. Now I'm scared.

I'm about to get my ass whipped.

All Momma did was laugh. "You girls are out of control" she said with the thick Puerto Rican accent.

"Sorry Momma..." I mumbled.
"Me too" Renee dropped her crayon.

"You 2 are cleaning this up..."

I just wanted to do a flashback chapter...had nothing to do with the story I know...and its short too oh god please don't kill me!-Alli

My Girlfriend's Bestfriend: Dean AmbroseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt