the bird told me

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*recap of you didn't read the last chapter because it was to strong for you. --
You got in contact with L by phone and told him To check on pepe after all pepe does talk what you say around him Maybe he recorded what happened the night. that you found out that light was kira--*

L's p.o.v

"Why did you want to come here ryuzaki?" light asked as I walked in his house. Not answering light's question. I move to where pepe was. "I have work to do." the patriot squawked. "Come on." I mumbled. Y/N said to check on pepe and I'm here. Was it a clue or she was worried for the bird?

°°°°°°°°° TIME SKIP brought to you by all my lovely readers.°°°°°°°

I have studied this Damn bird for 2 days now.
But then it made sense after some words out of the bird. "So you are kira!" the bird said.

Kira? Was Y/N trying to tell me that light was kira?

"Her boyfriend has the money. We can keep the money you'll have your detective " the bird squawked out more.

So light is kira!!
And I know exactly what to do.

Your p.o.v

"Look who we have here!" the man yelled. you look up.


You scream.
He runs towards you. "Y/N." he hugged you. "What happened to you?" L said holding you noticing all you scars on you face. Dry blood on you head hands and knees. "They hurt me." you sob. L saw that the man had left.
"Why did you come here L!?!" You say. "There going to kill you then there going to kill me. I heard them." you say. Tears formed. "No.. You see I tracked lights car he's close." L informed. "What does that have to do with anything?" you ask.
"Watari has access to see where light is when he's here watari will call the cops. Of course the man and light will be arrested because of kidnapping of me and you.  While lights in jail we will go though lights things see if we find the note book."
"How did you--" you start to say but L finished off by saying
"The bird told me."
You smile at L. "We are going to be fine I promise." L tells you. You lean on him closing your eyes actually felling relaxed in a long long long time. Soon we herd the sirens. you look at L and he kisses you softly. "I'm sorry my love that you had to go through a lot of pain." He said.   "Hello this is the police is anyone there?"

"HELP US!" you scream.

"Theirs people inside! Move it!" 
You smile hearing that this nightmare would be over.
Soon they turn off the power so the code would be dead and no one will be electrocuted. 10 police officers push the door to open. You saw the sunlight setting. "Who are you?" one officer asked. "This is Y/N L/N and I'm ryuzaki." L inform, standing up and carrying you bridal style. "How long have you been here?" the officer asked. "1 Months and 2 days." L said looking at you with this sadness in his eyes. As soon as L stepped out side you knew where you were.

At the place where you and Levi was experimented on.

Tears dropped. Out off your burly vision you see light getting pushed in a police car. You meet eyes with him.

That was your younger brother.

When he got his hands on the note book he could get revenge of the people who killed our parents by kill every criminal. But then he went sane and went to far.
Light Yagami wasn't his real name that was Levi L/N

And he was kira.


Man I'm on fire!!!! So the story is almost one or two more chapters and of course a...... Drum roll ......LEMON 🍋

So hope you like it also like I'm almost done I will be doing a authors note reading 'About me' Yeah there you guys happy?!!?
You'll know my real name my face my age and other facts. Also if you want me to answer your questions I'll be happy to do that.

Bye -A

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