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Your p.o.v

"MATSUDA!!!!!" you scream on top of your lungs. "Y/N I'm so sorry."Matsuda said apologising "why! WHY MATSUDA! I HAVE TO BLEACH MY EYES NOW!!!" you scream trying to hide your laughter . "How the hell was I suppose to know. Rose wanted Jack to draw her like 'one of his French girl's." Matsuda said. Turning off the TV. You playfully gagged. "Why did you even came here isn't your turn stay late working with ryuzaki?" he asked. "Why are you watching Titanic? Are you on your man period?" you ask. Matsuda gave you a 'WTF' face. "Man period? What? Never mind just answer my question." he said. "I'm on a break." you say and jump on the couch. "Ok turn on the TV I think that scene is over." you say grabbing the bowl of popcorn out of Matsuda's hands.

°°°°°°°°°°°°TIME SKIP brought to you by 'Jack come back'°°°°°°°°°🚢

You enter headquarters. You look around.
L wasn't around. "L?" You call out.


"L?" You call out again. Nope nothing

Hmmm that's weird he's always look at his computer screen...maybe he's in his room?

Oh you where right. He was in there..with Trina..have a make out session with her.


Anger rises. But then it got replaced with sadness. Those words he said 'I love you' they where crushed. The words your Hart your feeling where crushed. Completely crushed.  He loved Trina not you... He would possibly never love you. Tears started to fall from your eyes. It was getting harder to breath. You turn and run away from L's doorway. Away from headquarters. Where were you going? Where you feet took you. You run till you tripped on something.

Fuck the thing I tripped on
Fuck Trina
Fuck L
Fuck the world
Fuck my life

You cried till your eyes where puffy and couldn't breath well because of your sobbing. You stand to see where you were. Your knees where bleeding and your jeans ripped because of you tripping. You sniff and look at a root.

That thing tripped me!!

You thought and started to kick in down. Releasing your anger on the poor root. When you where done knocking the root down you cry more.
You look side to side. Your in a Forrest? Sniffing you walk back to your home.

L's p.o.v

"Trina I can't do this." I say backing away from her. "But why." she whined and pulled me into another kiss. But I backed away. "I think you should go." I said. "Fine stay here. I never loved you and look at your self. You are always starring to a computer a and never wear shoes what's wrong with you anyways. Whatever. no one will probably love you." she said and left. I sit on my bed.

No one will probably love you.

I thought of what she said. Well it's true not many girls have I met being a top secret detective. I look at the clock on the wall.
Y/N was about to be here at 8:50.
Was she late? I pulled out and called Matsuda.

Oh. L I'm sorry. What can I help you with?
Have you seen Y/N
Yeah she left a little late like... Hmmm.. 9:10ish.
Well she's still not here.
Wait what it's.... About 9:40.
30 minutes.
I'll call her
Thank you Matsuda.

Then I hung up.

°°°Extended ending°°°

L's p.o.v

Then I hung up.

I walk toward my computer.

There has just been an accident a young girl with Brown hair and blue eyes have been killed in a car accident but no worries folks there is no other damage.

Trina B Ziegler had died.


So....... About the extended ending.... OK I JUST HAD TO PUT THAT IN THE STORY.

Just making sure that Jac- in mean Trina does not 'come back' (hehe get it? >-<)

So... I think that's it!!!!!!!

Also 1k reads that's.., AMAZING!!!!! 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎊🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎊🎈🎊🎈🎊🎈🎈🎈🎊🎈

Bye!!!! -A

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