Coffee with a Princess

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K.C's POV: Hehehe~ Kawaii~Chan is excited for Zane~Kun's coffee date with her. Is it a date ? Nyaa~ Kawaii~Chan doesn't mind... Zane~Kun is friends with her ? Right? Don't be so negative Kawaii~Chan.......Oh fishsticks look at the time Kawaii~Chan has to run.....She knew that she only had ten minutes, and it took her ten minutes to curl her hair and put on her candy floss perfume....

Meanwhile Zane was sweating nervously for Kawaii~Chan he was wondering if she changed her mind now, but then in the corner of his one eye (his left) he saw two familiar people ......Michi behind him and Resse to his left...She'll faint second she lays sight on him....and Michi she's just a hell bunch of trouble.....oh my Irene noooo, save me MOTHER OF CELESTIA NO NONONONO NO!! Michi came up from behind him and put her arms round his neck nuzzling him.

"Hey Zaaaaaaaaane~ nyaa~ "purred Michi.

"Michi," muttered Zane.

"Mind if I join you cold hearted heheh~"

"No, and I thought you didn't like me especially after the Valentine day date.."

"I only said you were no fun , but your still a cute little thing nyaa~" said Michi sickeningly trying to kiss him on his lips.


"Hush now my lovey , now what will you give me - my kiss and a coffee, oooh how about a book that guidesme into your life handsome nyaa~ ?".....

K.C's POV: Oh no Kawaii~Chan hopes that Zane~Kun isn't mad at her for being late....OH MY REESE~SENPAI IS HERE OH NO OH NOOOOO...oh nevermind he's leaving thank you Irene~Senpai and Enki~Kun. Noooow where is Zane~Kun n-n-no w-why....uh um oh...Michi~Sama is trying to kiss Zane~Kun , Kawaii~Chan should of known he might ditch her for someone else - by the way how did Michi~Sama get here (that's what I want to know as well K.C , she probably stole a ticket we will never know) .

Zane's POV: Aaargh curse you Michi you ruined my chance to prove that I can be a good friend with a secret interest for her. Well done Michi.

"Oh look at the little pink kitty all alone ,meh as long as I have you my little devil with me?"

"Grrrrr , get off,"

"Anything for that feisty black heart of yours my dear nyaaa~"

Zane scrambles off his chair and begins to search for Kawaii~Chan..

"Why Zane~Kun...m-my.cuppycake....Kawaii~Chan should've known this might of happened....It's clear to Kawaii~Chan now, she's jealous her emotions are getting the better of her, s-she loves Z-Zane~Kun...It's taken awhile for her to admit it to herself , now he's gone"murmured Kawaii~Chan to herself tears spilling uncontrollably and fists clenched...Z-Zane......~Senpai *sigh*.

Kawaii~Chan had just past the volleyball court when she heard someone calling for her....



"Michi was trying to kiss me but I could never love her, I was waiting for you, I would never do that to a friend of mine...please give me another chance to prove myself that I'm not really a bad person - third third time's a charm right?"

"O-ok , Zane~Kun, and don't you have a coffee you owe Kawaii~Chan hehe~" giggled Kawaii~Chan relieved.

Hesitantly, he took her hand , the blushed and stuttered however they walked side by side hands held nevertheless. It was a golden syrup sunset by the time they got back to the café, they took the table on the balcony where they could see waves flowing fluently.

"Y-you know K-Kawaii~Chan , umm your eyes match the sunset sky....and your hair looks like candyfloss , what the heck am I saying - oh Irene "

"O-oh m-my , how sweet Zane~Kun ,sooooo ugh what were you planning on treating me with "

"Huh? Oh yes, for starters a Coconut Cappuccino and a strawberry and coconut cupcake , for dinner it's Salmon and Vegetable soup with garlic bread,"

"Aww, Zane~Kun, it's nice that you know what I like but what's for dessert? Wait I thought this was just a grab some coffee ?!"

"Yea but everyone must be having dinner right now and I thought it would be nice to treat you to dinner as well to make it up for the incident, dessert is a surprise - by they way you really do like coconut,"

"Hehehe~, Kawaii~Chan sure does , thank you Zane~Kun" blushed Kawaii~Chan as her Coconut Cappuccino arrived......

"You know , you don't have to treat Kawaii~Chan like a princess but nevertheless it's lovely Zane~Kun hehe~"

"Your just as beautiful a princess,your my princess,my cuppycake," whispered Zane.

"Huh? Did you say something Zane~Kun?"

"N-No , Ugh u-umm n-nevermind *awkward laughter of embarrassment*" that was way to close....

"Okay-Dookie then , oh look the cupcake, yummy , wow doesn't it look delicious Zane~Kun? Hehehe~" ........

A little crush ~ Zane~Chan |#Wattys2017|Where stories live. Discover now