The Devil that fell for the Angel

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Zane's POV :Aargh I hate to admit it to myself but she's as adorable as a little kitten , oh my Irene - why do I feel this way?

K.C's POV: Zane~Kun has never been so open with others especially Kawaii~Chan , a-and she guesses that he looks kinda cute , oooooh Zane~Kun is really nice so Kawaii~Chan mustn't do anything to change herself now ..she just has to be herself!


"Y-yes Kawaii~Chan,"

"Thanks for dancing with Kawaii~Chan and that sweet little hug after , Aphmau is right as the saying , they're not all bad once you get to know them - your really as sweet as a cuppycake hehehe~ ;3" whispered Kawaii~Chan.

"Uuh-umm, w-well I'll see you at dinner - in ten minutes?"

"Ok Zane~Kun!" agreed Kawaii~Chan briefly turning pink in the face as Aphmau appeared like she was Jack in a box.

"How was the slow dance K.C hmmmm ?"

"N-nice , why Aphmau~Senpai?"

"Okaaay , how was the hug hmmmm?"

"Kawaii~Chan doesn't know what Aphmau~Senpai is talking about , ehehehe , oh pooh !?"

"Your hug with Zane , Kawaii~Chan - I saw it with my own two eyes so, how was the hug OoooOoooh ?!"

"N-nice .....BAI !!"

Aph's POV: I'll get it out of you Kawaii~Chan and you as well Zane . There was no way Zane would allow a hug from anyone apart from me because last time K.C tried to hug him he ran like a fat little chicken nugget - still looks like he his since he's eating the cupcakes again . But I shouldn't interfere with them I'll watch unfold like the anime series I watch. Also Kawaii~Chan hasn't even mentioned Reese since we got here but she's been blushing like mad . Wow has Zane turned into Travis and making the moves on her ? Nevermind I should be getting to dinner.

Zane's POV: Looks like I'm the first here so I can think to myself in peace. Oh my Irene I'm falling for such an angel , GAH what's wrong with me ?! I swear I'm turning into Travis! Zane your really loosing your cool dude ,chill and give K.C some TLC - Travis loving Care ;) . Aargh Travis get out of my head . Mother of Irene save me they're coming.

"Hey brother I thought you were heading back to the house , nice to know you changed your mind to come join us. " said Garroth surprised.

Kawaii~Chan gazed at Zane sitting on his own a little so she courageously sat right next to him . Aphmau~Senpai is definitely going to notice something is up so play it steady Kawaii~Chan she can do this. B-but she can't help but just feel burns in her cheeks ...

Zane and K.C's POV: Everyone is staring at us .....well me and my.....cuppycake........

A little crush ~ Zane~Chan |#Wattys2017|Where stories live. Discover now