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Liz's Pov:

It had neen about 2 weeks since I started to go to Dr. Brooks and I started to feel much better than when I had first went there.

He perscribed some medicine for my ptsd and depression. I also went there 3 times a week to talk with him. It was on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

I had started to take a liking to Dr. Brooks and Ms. Moe. They were always very nice and very supportive. They even started to call me a client instead of a patient because it was my preferance. I had even got so comfortable being there I went on my own a few times.

But one day when I was at home sorting through my pokemon in PokemonGo, Dan and Phil approched me.

"Hey Liz, we have some news." Dan started.
"Good or bad?" I asked with suspision.
"We're not entirely sure." Phil said.
"What do you mean?"
"We are not entirely sure how you will take the news." Dan clarifies.
"Ok, what is it?"
"Dan and I decided it would be best for you to go school."
"What!? When?"
"Next Monday."
"That gives me a week to prepare."
"Yeah, which reminds me that we have to go get your uniform." Phil said.
"Yep a uniform."

We took a trip over to the school where I would be getting my uniform. We walked into a large building which was the school that I would be going to, and it seemed that the school year had already started.

We went to the main office and was greeted by what seemed like the principal. She took us around where my classes are, we didn't go inside because there were classes going on. She also took us to my locker. She then took us to a room where I would get fitted for a uniform.

Soon a lady walked in and said, "Gentleman would you please step outside." Dan and Phil stepped outside of the room. The woman started pealing off my clothes and I felt weird. Maybe because she was a complete stranger.

She started messuring my body and said, "I'm going to go get your size uniform, stay here." I did as I was told but I felt uncomfortable, like someone was watching me.

Just then I heard Dan yell, "STOP STARING AT MY DAUGHTER YA' PERV!" I turned around and saw a few boys scrambling out of the doorway and down the hall.

Dan put his arm over his eyes and said, "I would give you a hug but I'm not entirely sure you're decent."
"I'm only in my underwear and bra." I said and immediately had a cringe attack after it left my mouth.
"That's why those little pervs were looking at you. I'm going to go back outside the room again." Dan said as he left.

The woman came back with an anime school girl type outfit. It had a short black skirt that barely covered my ass and a frilly white dress shirt with a black tie.

She then called Dan and Phil in but only Dan came in. Where in the world was Phil?

"You look like an anime school girl." Dan said.
"I-i know. Where's Phil?"
"He went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago. I actually had to walk him there as he got lost once already."
"How did he get lost?"
"He was trying to find the office again to ask the principal something."

Phil then walked in and saw me in my uniform and said, "Aww you look so cute in that! It was totally worth £80!"
"Phil! You shouldn't have spent £80 on me."
"It was a requirement anyway." I didn't say anything afterwards because there was no arguing with Phil.

"Umm, can I change back into my clothes now?" I asked quietly.
"Oh yeah, sorry." Dan said and walked out with Phil following him.

I changed back into my black skinny jeans and black tank-top with a grey flannel over it.

I walked out and Phil gave me hug.
"What was that for?" I asked as I was being smothered by Phil.
"I told him what had happened a few minutes ago." Dan explained.
"Oh, what did happen anyway?"
"There were these 3 little perv's that I had caught looking at you while you were getting into your uniform."
"I know that but I wanted to know how they got there in the first place. I thought you two were standing outside the room."
"Well I found them when I came back from walking Phil to the bathroom, so they must have gotten there when we weren't."
"Oh..." I mumbled, not quite sure on what to say.

We then went home and stuck my uniform in the laundry.
"Tomorrow we will get everything required for yoyr classes, ok?" Phil said to me.

The next day, I had to go to Dr. Brooks. We didn't talk about much except school. He seemed proud of me that I was going to school. I didn't understand why completely. I didn't mention what had happened yesterday though. I just felt weird talking about it.

After that, Dan and Phil took me to get some school supplies. I got a black binder, a red and black pencil case, mechanical pencils, pens, a black 5 subject notebook, a ruler, and a calculator. I already had coloring supplies, so I didn't need to buy any. I also got a black backpack with red zippers.
Time skip to next Monday

Today was the day that I went to school. I was nervous and felt unprepared for school. I haven't been to school in a while and even then it was an American shool. It would probably be different than a British school.

As I was about to leave for school, Phil said something to me, "Have fun! Make new friends and remember, Dan and I will always love you no matter what."
"Thanks Phil, I needed to hear that." I said as I walked toward the door. I'm not sure if he heard me but maybe it's best if he didn't.

I arrived at school early. I decided to walk so I left early, really early. I still had about 15 minutes before the doors opened so I plugged in my earphones and listened to music. I also pulled out my sketch book and drawing pencils I had put in my backpack.

I started to draw a skull with vines wrapped around it. I knew I wouldn't finish it in the time that I had, but at least I could start it.

About 5 minutes later, the first people (other than me)came onto the school grounds. I didn't really pay attention to who it was, and I could care less.

I hadn't realized they had walked up to me until someone pulled out my earbuds. I turned my head and I was face to face with a cute boy.

He had brown hair that was in a quif, bright green eyes, and seemed quite muscular.

"Hey, I saw you a week ago. You're kinda hot actually." He leaned closer to me and I scooted away from him. He then scooted over to me.
"Why don't you talk to me?"
"Umm... I-i...w-why are you s-so close?" I whispered.
"Because I like what I saw that day. You know, I think I perfer you without clothes on." he said as he proceded to take off my top. I pushed away from him and got away with my clothes.

My shirt was half unbuttoned and my tie was laying on the ground by my feet. My skirt was all bunched up around my hips.

I quickly rebuttoned my shirt and fixed my skirt. I then grabbed my tie and tied it around my neck and flipped my collar over the tie.

"You were the one who was looking at me last week."
"Me and my buddies." It bugged me that he didn't use correct grammar, but I didn't say anything about it.

I then rushed over and picked up my stuff. I was expecting him to grab me but he didn't. That was when I realized more people arrived. He only would do that when we were alone.

I guess I won't be alone near him anymore.

Guys, guys, guys! GUESS WHAT!?
THIS BOOK HAS 76 READS!! WHAT?! THAT'S INSANE! And that means that sometime yesterday there was a 69th reader. Hehehehe.
Y'all know what that means. I'm sad I didn't catch it on 69 because that would have been funnier, but I am still super duper happy about 76 reads!

All of y'all get cake and a puppy! You deserve it!

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